How Many People Know?

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Posted: 26th July 2020.
Tears are filling up their glasses,
No expression, no expression.
I Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow,
No tomorrow, no tomorrow.

Carina's POV.
Its been a while since Christmas, I'm still friends with Viktor and today is Valentine's Day or as the loner. I'm sitting in the great hall at the Ravenclaw table when I get a letter from Percy it reads,
Dear Miss Malfoy,
I'm sorry to cancel on such short notice but there is to much work to do at the Ministry of Magic. Also I was wondering since clearly Fred, George and Aprodite must've said something but who does know about what happened on Christmas evening? Hope you're okay, once again I am so very sorry for bailing on the hogsmeade trip. Lots of love.
Yours sincerely,
Percy Weasley xoxo.
When I finish reading the letter I quickly got out a piece of parchment and quill, writing,

Dear Percy Weasley,
About your question on who knows, well first of all Fred and George told Lee and Aprodite who told Ginny who told Ron, Harry and Neville Longbottom who told Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. Then Angelina told Alicia Spinnet who then told Katie Bell who wrote to Oliver assuming you already told him which you had then Oliver wrote Isobel who Hermione had just told her and Aprodite then Izzy told Cedric who told no one and the only person I told was Professor Mcgonagall since she's practically my therapist. So in total including us nineteen people know but I got them all but Professor Mcgonagall to sign a piece of parchment which I hexed so if any of them tell they'll have 'Snitch' going across their head. It's alright that you can't go to hogsmeade this trip, I understand that you have to do the paperwork. Lots of love.
Yours sincerely,
Carina Malfoy xoxo.

Suddenly I'm pulled out of the hall and I see Izzy who not letting me say anything "Judging by the look on your face I'm guessing Perce ditched you again and I regret to inform you I can't go to hogsmeade with you since I'm going with Ced, so you are probably not going and I know it's your 'Time of the month' so I'll get you some chocolate from HoneyDukes" and I reply "Thank you and how did you know I'm on my period?", laughing Isobel says "It's on my calendar silly" that makes sense slightly, then I go back to the great hall with Izzy and sit down at the Gryffindor table, where I see Sirius my kitten wandering on the table I quickly scoop him into my arms I hear Ron say "How's that cat so fat?" how dare he insult my baby! And I reply "Hey! Its not Siri's fault he hasn't lost his baby weight" then turning to Siri I finish "Isn't that right cutie?", then Isobel starts defending lil Siri "Leave them alone Ron, Cara's on her 'time of the month'. besides it's the one day a month Cara eats average meals" and Harry says "the what now? Cara are you a werewolf?" why the hell does he think I'm a werewolf? So I answer "No I'm not a werewolf. I'm on my 'female full moon', mine lasts seven days though some are short as five days" and Ron says "But you still have that scar from third year", rolling my eyes I say "yes but that doesn't make me a werewolf". Then after I put two pancakes on my plate adding lemon juice and sugar, and got one for Siri on a small plate since I cut his into quarters, once Sirius and I finish eating and have had our drinks we go to the library were I got seven books on hexes, curses and charms.

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