Chapter Twenty-Six

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When did my life become so dramatic and complicated? I used to be so carefree and happy. Now I'm just a lonely sad person.

"Bailee we're going out tonight, put this on." Finn came into my room and threw me dress that was black and way too short.

"I'm not going out or anywhere with you. Go away"I rolled my eyes.

"Bailee if you don't put the god damned dress on, I will put it on for you," he threatened through gritted teeth.

"You wouldn't." I put my nutella down on my dresser and walked over to him.

"Wanna bet?" he asked.

"Get the fuck out." I shoved him a little.

"Put the dress on and leave with me."

"No." I crossed my arms and started to walk over to my bed again, but Finn got a grip on my arm.

"You are going to fucking come with me!" he shouted.

"LET GO, YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I screamed and tried to get out of his grasp.

"Get dressed, bitch," he said and pushed me into my dresser.

I grabbed the dress and stripped down. I put it on and Finn zipped it up.

"Let's go." he grabbed my wrist.

I grabbed my lamp off of my desk.

When we walked out into the hallway I managed to hit him in the head with it.

"FUCK!" he screamed at me.

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. It was only a few minutes until he busted the door down and started throwing punches at me and kicking me vigorously.

"STOP!" I cried.

He didn't stop though, he kept going.

"NASH! NASH HELP ME!" I screamed, but Finn put is hand over my mouth.

I bit his hand and he yelped.

"Stupid fucking cunt!" he shouted as I ran to Nash and Olivia's room.

"NASH!" I screamed and pushed on him.

"What?" he asked.

I felt hands behind me. My hair was being pulled. I was being dragged by my hair.

"You asshole!" I spat and then cried.

He ripped a chunk of my hair out and then I saw Nash's figure.

"WHAT THE FUCK FINN!" he yelled.

"You're leaving this house after this. You will never step foot on this property again. You will never speak to Bailee or anyone that you have met through us again. If you do, I will call the cops. We will get a restraining order against you. Actually, I'm calling the police now to arrest your scum ass. Who fucking throws a girl around like that? Fucking prick." Nash walked around Finn and then grabbed his phone out of his plaid pants pocket.

"Hi, I would like to have someone arrested. He did more than hit my friend Bailee. He fucking pulled her hair out and fought her like she was a guy. Not to mention, he entered the house without anyone knowing or allowing him to," Nash said to the dispatcher.

"Yes. Thank you."

"Thanks Nash." I smiled as he helped me up off the floor.

"Ouch, it hurts to walk. It hurts so much. I'm sore all over," I whined.

"Well get you into the bath and get you cleaned up. How does that sound?" be asked me.

"Perfect," I smiled and he carried me to the bathroom.

I might as well call Nash my older brother. He takes care of me more than my own family does.

"Nashie, I love you. You're such a good brother  to me." I smiled as he undressed me and put me in the tub.

"I love you too Bai, I'll always look out for you." he smiled.

* * *

A week and a half later and I'm finally getting the courage to talk to Sam.

"Sam, we need to talk and I know you're home." I walked into the house that he shares with Matt and Jack J.

I walked into his room and found him asleep on his bed.

I shook him until he woke up.

"Sam, we need to talk," I told him once he opened his eyes.

"Go away Bailee," he groaned and turned over.

"No, get up. We need to talk. I need you to hear me out."


"Sam please," I whined.

"Oh my fucking gosh! Fine."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What do you want?"

"Sam, I'm so sorry for using you the way I did. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just want you to know that what I did was wrong and I'm sorry that I took advantage of you for something stupid. Will you please forgive me?" I asked him.

"Look Bailee, you don't need to be sorry because I've used girls too. I was being an ass."

"So are we cool?" I asked.

"Sure." he nodded.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me because I'm losing everything I have." I smiled and hugged him.

"Bailee?" Sam asked.


"Could I kiss you one more time and then we forget about it? I haven't been able to get your lips out of my mind for some reason."

"Yeah." I shrugged.

Sam moved closer to me and put his hand on my cheek. We both leaned in and kissed. He pushed me against his wall and picked me up. He kissed me long and hard and pulled back.

"Thanks." he smiled and put me back down.

I shook my head and pulled his back to mine. We kept kissing and we ended up on his bed.

"I think we should stop," Sam mumbled, slowing down his breating.

"Why?" I asked.

"You have a boyfriend and you don't seem to be in a good emotional state right now," he explained loud and clear.

"Sam, I'm single. Finn and I broke up, long story." I shrugged and started to walk out the door.

"Wait! Bailee. Could we be Friends with Benefits? I mean I am so attracted to you and you seem pretty attracted to me, but I want a relationship and you don't. I wouldn't mind being doing that as long as it's with you," Sam explained his whole two minute idea.

I waited. I don't think that it'd be a good thing to do because one of us could get seriously emotionally hurt and I don't want that.

"Ehhh," I started.

"Please, Bai," Sam pleaded.

"I guess, but if either of us gets emotionally attached, we have to stop it at that moment." I rose my eyebrows and pointed in his face. "I mean it Wilkinson," I laughed."

"Alright, I get it."

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