Chapter Eighteen

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"So, I've decided to respond to Finn after thinking about it for a while," I expressed to Olivia who was cuddled close to Nash on the couch.

"What are you going to tell him?" she asked.

"Well, I want to date him. We have spent so much time together this past month, and I think I'm fit for a new relationship. He has been so sweet and caring to me. I know it took me a long time to think of my response, but I want to say yes." I smiled a Olivia.

"Go for it!" Nash shouted to me.

"I think I will." I laughed. "Thanks for the encouragement Nash. I love you." I laughed and walked over to Liv and him. I draped both of my arms around them and hugged them.

"Love you too Bai." he grinned as I pulled away.

"And I love you too." Olivia added with a cheesy smile.

I laughed and walked away, leaving them to their movie. I opened the sliding glass door and went outside. I took a seat at the table and pulled my phone out of my Luke Hemmings sweatshirt pocket.

"Hey Finn."

"Hey, Bailee!"

"So... I want you to come over. Could you be here in like fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah, no problem. My shift ends in like, five minutes."

"Alright. I'll see you when you get here then?"

"Yep. See ya."


I laid back and smiled.

* * *

"So I gave it some thought these past few days," I started. "and I think I want to start dating, like you asked. I don't feel pressured, but when you asked me out, I kind of freaked. So I just want to say, I'm primed for a relationship and I hope you haven't changed your mind." I let a small chuckle out in the end.

"I wouldn't change my mind. Even if someone offered me a million dollars to do it." Finn smiled. That was really sweet.

"Aww," I gushed.

"Bailee will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Finn asked as he got down on one knee, acting like he was proposing.

"Yeah, yes." I smiled and placed my arms around him. I could stay cooped up in his arms all day.

"If you would've said no, I think I would've been a little heart broken. I think it'd be eventful getting my heart broken by you though," Finn explained as he left our hug.

"It probably would be." I winked at him

He winked back and sat back in the chair he was sitting in. This guy made me fall for him in a completely good way. It wasn't like he was clingy and wanting a bunch of attention from me 24/7, he gave me space. I know that this relationship will be better than my last.

"Do you wanna order some pizza?" he inquired with a slight smile, "It's on me."


"I'll pay for Olivia, Nash, and Chloe's pizza though," I told him as I got up and went back into the house.

"I'll get it all, don't worry," Finn justified as he followed me back into the house.

"You sure?" I asked. I don't want him to pay for all of it if he doesn't want to.

"Positive," he grimaced.

"Okay." I gave him a light smile back.

He nodded his head and pulled his phone out of his front pocket. I whispered in his ear that I'd be back in a minute.

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