Chapter Thirty-Three

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It felt good laying next to Jack. It felt right. I don't know. I rolled and found that he wasn't there.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I heard Brittney yell.

I got up and grabbed my crutches.

I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where Brittney was examining Jacks neck. Shit, I left a hickey on his neck.

"It's probably from you." Jack rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"This is not from me. I don't like giving hickeys," Brittney huffed. "Now tell me who it's from," she ordered.

I tried to stifle a laugh, but it didn't happen.

Brittney turned towards me and her eyes burned into mine.

"What?" I asked.

"It was you wasn't it? You little slut. What the fuck!" she stormed over to me.

"He's mine! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN HAVE HIM?" she yelled.

"Chill. I didn't give him a hickey. I actually don't even know where this hickey would be at. Is it on his face? Is it on his neck? Is it on his chest?" I played dumb with her.

Brittney turned to Jack.

"Please tell me that you wouldn't date her. Please tell me that you wouldn't. I can't believe you'd settle for someone like her!" she shouted.

Jack rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me.

"Brittney. I don't like you at all, actually. You're too possessive. You didn't even want to fucking leave me here with Bailee for an hour. You wanted to drag me along with you to get your stupid ass nails done. Oh and you asked me for money to do them too. I'm not your personal piggy bank. I want to tell you the whole truth right now. I just asked you to stay with me for a while so that I could still have a way of communication with Bai. I think I love Bailee. She's so smart. She loves helping people. She's clingy in a good sense. She gives second chances. I can't explain it all," Jacks words fumbled from his mouth.

I looked at him and held my hand to my heart. I love this boy, even if he drives me crazy at times.

Brittney stomped her foot in anger.


I felt a sharp pain in my chest. He has wanted to be with me for so long, but he had sex with her last night and more than ten times. I can't be with someone who's had sex with my sister. Reese was the only one, but I didn't know about it until so much later in our relationship.

"Bailee don't listen to her. Don't do it. We've never had sex. I've only had sex with two people and those were committed relationships. Please don't listen to her," Jack pleaded.

Tears were running down my cheeks, but I wasn't making any sound. I was just letting them go down my cheeks.

Brittney had a smirk on her face saying, "I won." But that's not the case.

I look at Jack. He's been honest with me about everything. I don't want to not believe him.

"So Bailee, do you want a guy who's already been with me? One that has already had sex with me? One that has already felt me naked all over h-"

"Fucking stop! He's never been in bed with you. If he was, I'm pretty sure you'd have a ring on your finger. You said before that you and Jack had sex seven times, but he would have been with you. He wouldn't have been trying to get with me. Stop!" I yelled at her.

I'm tired of people trying to control me and what I do. My parents, my brother, my sister, and Reese. It's time for me to start living my life the way I want to and how I want to.

"Look, I don't give a flying fuck if you and the rest of our family shun me if I end up being with Jack. I want to be happy and that's what I'll do. Brittney,
I think it's time for you to leave," I tried to be as calm as possible.

Now Jack was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. He rubbed them and kissed my cheek.

"You're not going to like her. Have fun. I hope that you two end up regretting this and hating each other's guts." Brittney came out of Jacks room and pulled her luggage along with her.

"Whatever happens, happens. Life goes on Brit," Jack told her and opened the door.

I stood in my place and couldn't believe that I actually stood up to her again. It felt great.

Jack shut the door and smiled. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed with a huge smile on my face.

"Did you really mean everything you said about me?" I asked.

"One hundred percent of it." he kissed my forehead.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it," I said as I hopped to the door.

I opened it to see a happy Sam behind the door, with a bouquet of lilacs.

This is going to be hard doing this to him. I like him so much. I just don't know him that well and I don't love him like I love Jack. I'm certain about me and Jack. I've never been sure about Sam and me.

"I'm gonna step outside for a minute!" I yelled to Jack.


I walked outside and shut the door.

"No invitation to come in?" Sam asked with a smile.

I can't do this.

"These are for you." he handed the lilacs to me.

"Thank you Sam. They're beautiful," i smelt them.

Sam pulled me in for a hug and kissed me. I kissed back a little.

"Look," I started. "I love everything about you and you're such a great person. You make me smile so much and I thank you for that. I love that you were willing to be there for me at last minute. I just-" I couldn't say anymore without starting to cry.

"Bailee, what's wrong?" Sam asked.

I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Sam, I don't know how to say this."

"Oh. I get it. I knew this would happen," his face fell.

"Sam. I don't think you unders-"

"No Bailee, I completely get it. It's okay," Sam interrupted. "You love Jack. I see the way you look at him. You look at him like he's the only person on the planet. I hope that someone looks at me that way someday. You know, I told myself not to get involved with you, but it was too hard. I may not get to be with you now, but if you and Jack don't work out, just know I'm first in line." Sam smiled.

I nodded with tears in my eyes. "You're such a good guy."

I pulled Sam in to hug him. I held on to him tightly. I may not love him as much as Jack, but I love him.

"I should go now," Sam told me after a bit.

"Okay." I let go of him.

"I hope you and Jack are well. Bailee, I love you." Sam told me.

"Bye Sammy."

Then he walked off.

I went back inside and walked towards Jack. When I reached him, I pulled him towards me and started to cry.

This Isn't Love || Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now