Chapter Eight

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My phone went off and I saw that it was Finn. I turned red at the thought of him paying for my drink. It was a sweet thing to do and I'm not used to sweet.

"Hey, it's Finn." i read the text.

"Hey." I replied back.

"Are you new to Omaha?"


"Am I the first person you met from here?"

"Ye.." I started typing.

I quickly stop and hold the backspace button. I knew one person from here,

"No." I retyped my answer.


"It's just my brothers friend."

"WE'RE HERE!" Olivia shouted.

I smiled and looked up. The house was so pretty. I now know why she wanted to move here, it's really big and spacious.

"It's so pretty," I said while I admired the house.

"I know." Liv smiled and put the car in park.

I hopped out and grabbed my bag, as well as the girls.

"When is Nash coming?" I asked her.

"He said that he'd be up here by tonight or tomorrow." Liv shrugged.

A lady pulled up and I just walked around the house. I looked at the backyard and it was so pretty! I looked into the other backyard that was next to ours. There were three guys.

"HEY! THE NEW NEIGHBORS ARE HERE!" one with blondish brown hair jumped over the fence.

"Hey," he smiled. "I'm Matt." He was cute, at least his smile was.

"HI!" Another guy came over. He has blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. They kind of remind me of Reese's.

"Hi," I said shyly and smiled.

"What's your name?" the blonde one asked. "I'm jack"

"Bailee." I smiled.

"You're pretty," he complimented.


"HEY, I CALL DIBS!" one with dark brown hair and with greenish brownish eyes jumped over the fence.

Okay, he's hot!

"I'm Sam, but I like to be called 'daddy.'" he smiled deviously.

"Oh my gosh! Stop it. You're gonna scare her away Sam!" Matt laughed and hit him in the stomach.

"It's fine, really." I laughed at them. "You should come inside. I haven't been in the place, but from what I see, it's nice."

"I'm down." Sam said right away.

"Me too."

"Me too," Jack and Matt said in unison.

I walked onto the back patio, and then knocked on the back door. Chloe came to it and her jaw dropped, because of the three hot guys behind me.

I looked behind me and saw Matt eyeing her head to toe. I laughed a little and looked up at Chloe. Her mouth was still open.

"CLOVER! Close your mouth before you catch flies." I closed her mouth when she opened the door.

I walked into the house and the guys followed behind. I heard Matt's footsteps track away, assuming they followed Chloe. Sammy put his hands on my shoulders and I turned around. Jack slapped his hands and I laughed.

"Shes mine," I heard Jack whisper.

"Actually, I'm not looking for a boyfriend," I told both of them while laughing.

"Wow, this is really awkward." Sam scratched the back of his neck.

"Its okay, I still think you're cute." I smiled. "And you too," I told Jack.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"hello?" I answered.

"hey. I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?" I heard Finns voice through the phone.

"Um... could it be next week sometime?" I asked.

"Yeah." he agreed.

"Yo Sam, Jack." I heard a familiar voice coming from the front of the house.

I quickly hung up my phone, which I felt rude for.

I walked with Sam and Jack to see who it was. Lucky for me, my middle school crush was standing in my doorway.

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