Chapter Seven

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"We're here," I heard Chloe say when I woke.

"What the hell," I groaned. I put my hands above my head and stretched.

"You're up! Oh my gosh, I thought you died!" Olivia laughed a little. 

"Why would you think that? I was just sleeping." I chuckled as I grabbed my water bottle and took a drink out of it.

"You slept for nearly a day!"

"Oh, I don't get much sleep at my house," I yawned.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I looked at the caller ID, seeing that it was Reese.

"Your phone has been going off for the past god know how many hours!" Chloe yelled. "It has just been buzzing and dinging nonstop. We didn't touch it, though. We didn't know if we should or not."

"K, thanks for letting me know." I was still being short with her.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I turned my phone on silent and looked out my window. It is plain here, but pretty.

"Could we stop at a Starbucks or something?" I asked. "I need coffee," I whined.

Lucky for me, there was a Starbucks a mile ahead. I sighed in relief. We pulled up and I got out quickly. I was so eager to stretch my legs. I put my messy hair into a bun and walked in.

I walked up to the front counter and stood there for a few minutes until a guy came to the counter.

"Hi what would you like today?" He asked me with a grin on his face.

I looked at him until I was ready. Damn, this guy was the cutest guy that I've seen outside of my hometown. I read his name tag and it said Finn.

"A venti iced caramel macchiato, please." I requested. "With almond milk!"

"Okay, anything else?" He asked.

I shook my head and he gave me a small nod. He walked over and got a cup to make my drink.

"His eyes are the prettiest shade of green that I've ever seen," I whispered to Olivia.

"Oh my gosh, Bailee." She laughed.

"What?" I shrugged.

"What's your name?" Finn asked and flashed his gorgeous smile.

"B-Ba-Bailee," I stuttered.

Gosh, I am so stupid.

"Here you go." he handed me, my life savior.

"How much is that?" I asked him.

"On the house." He winked and tapped the counter.

"What?" I asked.

"I took care of it, you're good!" Finn gave me another killer smile. Wow, he's got some charm.


"No problem, but since I did that, I'm gonna need your number."

"Sure," I giggled. I felt my cheeks turning red, of course. It was terrible when I was flattered. We exchanged numbers with each other while the girls hunted down the next barista to get their coffee.

"Be sure to text me. I'll be waiting." I teased Finn and winked at him.

I walked out of Starbucks and back to Olivia's car. I looked Finn up on Instagram before the girls got back into the car. It looks like he has ten thousand followers. Damn.  

"YOU JUST TOTALLY GOT YOURSELF A NEW BOYFRIEND!" Olivia screamed as she got in her car.

I quickly locked my phone so they didn't see that I was actually looking this guy up.

"What?!" Chloe asked.

"The guy at the cash register was flirting with Bailee," Olivia told her.

"He was not." I laughed.

"Liar. You got his number and he paid for your drink!" She smiled.

"Stop it," I laughed.

"Whatever. We have to get to the house now. The landlord said that she'd be there by noon today, and it's eleven-thirty," Olivia told us as she pulled out of the parking lot of Starbucks.

This Isn't Love || Jack GilinskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora