Chapter Twenty One

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"Kiss me." Finn laughed.

"Maybe I don't wanna," I teased.

"I know you do, don't lie." he smiled.

"Maybe, maybe not." I let out a laugh.

"Saved your life!" Finn suddenly said before I fell back on the swing we were on.

It's about 10 at night and we're outside on swings together. Call it juvenile, but I love it. I was sitting on Finn's lap, resting back.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted.

"I love you." he laughed.

"No you don't," I fake whined and got off his lap.

I walked over to the merry-go-round and laid on it. Seconds later, Finn came to me and sat down. He laid his head down on my stomach and I played with his hair.

"I love you Bailee." he broke the silence between us.

"And I love you." I smiled.

We laid there for about half an hour. It felt good to be outside, together.

"We should get going," I told Finn.

"Yeah, the wind is starting to pick up," he agreed.

Finn got off of me and walked to my car. We both got in and he drove us home.

* * *

I walked up to the steps of my house and saw Jack sitting in front of the door.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked him in a worried tone.

He looked up and I saw his bloodshot eyes. He's high.

" veeeeery sorry," he said before puking a whole bunch of liquid up.

He then started crying and I saw Finn coming up behind me.

"What's he doing here?" he questioned.

"I asked him and then he puked all over the patio," I told Finn. "I'll clean it up, just let me get him upstairs."

"He's staying here?" Finn asked.

"I'm not gonna make him go home. My brother will probably kick him out if he goes home drunk." I walked up to Jack and put his arm over my shoulder and held onto his other arm. He got puke on his shirt and jeans. Great.

It was hard unlocking the door, but I managed and walked inside to an empty house. I turned on a couple of lights and walked up the stairs. Jack fell a few times, but other than that, I got him up the stairs with ease. I walked him to my bedroom and sat him on my bed.

"Okay, Jack," I sighed and opened the bottom drawer to my dresser and grabbed a shirt that I stole from him a while back. I then grabbed some sweats I stole from him too.

"Put these on." I threw them on the bed.

Jack tried pulling his shirt off, but he couldn't.

"Here, let me help you," I offered.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

I walked over to him and pulled his puke filled shirt off.

I have seen him bare-chested so many times, but this time I had a stronger attraction to him. I shook my head and grabbed the clean shirt. I put his head into it and then he lifted his arms for me to put them in.

Next is his pants.

I unzipped his pants and pulled one pant leg down at a time, then I slipped them off.

"I'm so sorry Bailee," Jack slurred.

"It's fine. I know how to take care of you better than anyone else," I sighed.

"No, no. I mean for..." Jack put his hands over his mouth.

I gasped and grabbed my trash can as fast as I could. I handed it to him just in time. He threw up in it and then handed it back to me. Gross.

I put his sweats on him and and he stood up so I could get them over his butt. I pulled them up and then he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and we stood there for about five minutes, hugging. We swayed back and fourth. I slipped my hands up the back of his shirt and felt his warm skin. I rubbed his back and after a while he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, Bailee," he whispered.

"You should get some rest now," I told him.

"I better," he said.

He got onto the bed and laid down. I kissed him on the cheek before leaving my room with a sleeping Jack in it.

I walked downstairs and saw Finn sitting at the counter. He looked angry and sad.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?" I asked him.

He stood up and walked over to me.

"YOU AND JACK!" Finn yelled at me.

"W-what?" I stammered.

Finn has never yelled at me.

I backed up, but each time I did, Finn moved closer to me. I got stuck in a corner and Finn was pinning me in.

"WHAT WAS IT BAILEE?" he screamed more.

"Finn, stop." I felt tears form.

"FINN, STOP!" Finn mimicked me and then slapped me.

I slid down the wall and started to cry. I held my cheek and let the tears roll down my face.


I got up and punched Finn in the face. I started to run, but he caught me by the arm and pulled me to him. I felt his breath on my face.

"You're staying with me. Don't ever think you'll get away. If you tell any one, I swear that'll be the last of you," Finn warned in a deep tone.

I spit in his face and seconds later, his hand collided with my cheek. I started crying more and pushed Finn away, hoping that I could get away this time.

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and ran into my room. I slammed my door shut and locked my deadbolt and pushed my dresser in front of it. Finn was banging on the door, but I turned on my stereo and put the music on loud enough to where I couldn't here him banging on the door anymore.

I walked over to my wall and slid down it. I started crying. How did Finn go from extremely sweet to girlfriend beater? I shook my head and wiped my tears away. I got up and walked over to my bed. I crawled into it, next to Jack, and clung to his arm like a baby.

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