Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Jack, I kinda need to shower and Brittney isn't here," I told Jack who took my broken coffee mug away from me.

Way to go Bailee, you're such a clutz.

I spilt my coffee all over me when I shifted my position on Jacks bed, then I dropped it. I was trying to get a good view of the Tv.

Jack took all of his stuff from his and James house and took it to his families condo to live there for a few weeks or so.

"Can you wait?" Jack asked.

"No. I don't want to be all sticky and wet," I whined.

"I'm sorry I did that to you." he laughed and winked.

"Shut up." I pushed on his arm.

"Alright. Do you want to take a bath?" he asked.

"That'd be nice." I smiled.


Jack picked me up like a bride and walked me to the bathroom. He set me on the counter and turned around.

"I can't get my pants off," I told him.

"And?" he asked while still turned around.

"Jack, you have to undress me," I told him.


"I trust you. Please undress me so that I can get clean," I sighed and fiddled with the button on my jeans.

"Fine." he turned around and faced me.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head.

"Pants please." I looked at Jack who was staring at me.

"Bailee, I can't undress you."

"Why the hell not?" I asked. "I'm not a fucking fifteen year old. I'm nineteen! For fucks sake it's not like your raping me! Take my clothes off of me, please. You've seen me in my bra and underwear before, so just undress me," I told him.

He walked closer to me and unbuttoned my pants. He slid them down my legs and was very careful at my leg. He pulled it off much more carefully than I would have.

"Thank you," I said blandly.

"Welcome." Jack gave me a small smile.

"Can you unclasp my bra?" I asked, trying to reach for it but my arm was in an awkward position.

I turned my back and Jack unclasped it. He slid the straps down my arms. Jack placed small kisses on my neck and went down to my shoulder.

"Jack," I said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I need to get into the bath."

"Mhm," he replied and kissed my neck again.

I turned my head towards his and kissed the side of his neck. I started to suck on his neck. After I stopped there was a hickey there.

"We need to stop," I sighed.

Jack nodded in agreement.

I sighed as he picked me up. He placed me into the bath and turned the hot water on. I flipped the thingy so the water would stay in the bath.

I pulled the curtain shut for a minute and pulled my underwear off me. I threw them out of the bath and reopened the curtain.

"You good?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said as I pulled my knees to my chin.

"I don't suppose that you want me to wash you." Jack stood up.

This Isn't Love || Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now