Chapter One

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2 years ago

"Reese, say cheese." I laughed.

"Just take the picture," he groaned.

"No you have to say cheese," I argued back and shifted on his lap as we swung.

"Fine," he gave in. "Cheese."

"Thank you." I kissed him.

"Only because I love you Bai-boo." Reese smiled.

"I know." I laid back on him and relaxed.

The cool fall weather had recently kicked in. Fall is my favoirte season. It's not too hot or too cold. The wind blew and I started to shiver a little. Reese put his arms around me and pulled me closer to his chest. I lived for days like these.

I felt Reese fiddling to get something out of his pocket. It was a lighter and something in the form of a cigarette.

A cigarette?


I decided to ignore it because he has done this before. He always has something to smoke with him. I want him to stop, but he says that it helps him.

He took a hit off the lit object and blew it out to the side.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I smiled even though he was doing something that probably wasn't the best for his health in the long run.

His lips connected with mine and I tasted the foul and bitter taste that was left lingering in his mouth.

"I see two love birds!" I heard my friend Olivia scream as she ran over to Reese and I with her boyfriend Nash in tow.

"What are you guys doing out here so late?" Nash asked.

"It's only six," I reminded m him.

"Whatever, you know what I mean." he rolled his eyes.

"GUYS!!" My other best friend Chloe came over to us.

It's no surprise that all of us were here, it's our get together spot.

"Why do I have to be the odd one out? You're all in relationships!" Chloe pouted.

All of us stated laughing and then looked at Chloe who had a serious look on her face.

"It's not funny, you guys are all taken," she whined.

"You'll be forever alone," Olivia joked which made the rest of us laugh.

"Fuck you," Chloe laughed and sat on the swing next to me and Reese.

"You know we love you," I said to her.

"I wish you meant that," she joked.

"Hey, we'd love to stay but we've got a movie and a date. Love you guys." I stood up off the swing and gave my three best friends hugs. We've been the best of friends since fifth grade.

"Love you too, bye," Chloe and Olivia said in unison.

"See ya." Nash smiled.

* * *

"Thank you." I smiled at the guy who was giving me my drink.

"Anything else for you today?" he asked.

"Nope, thank you though." I smiled and grabbed my cup out of his hand.

"Hey, could I have your number?" he asked before I walked away.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend," I denied.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized and flushed red.

"It's fine, here, we can talk. It's nothing major, you're just a friend." I smiled and took a napkin to write my number on.

"Sorry, what's your name?" he asked.

"Bailee," I said as I handed him the napkin with Reese's number on it.

"Cool. See you around Bailee."

"You too." I smiled.

I walked back over to Reese and he smiled at me.

"Hey, I kinda just want to go back home. I'm not feeling the movie," he told me.

"We already paid, babe. Come on," I argued back with him.

"Fine," he muttered and started walking towards the theatre.

* * *

"WHY WERE YOU FLIRTING WITH THE GUY AT THE COUNTER?" Reese slammed the front door and started to yell at me as soon as we got home.

"I didn't, I wasn't," I got defensive.

I threw my purse into the couch and stood in the walkway with Reese.

"Yes you were."

"No, I wasn't. I don't know why you always have to act like this. I literally gave him your number because I wasn't interested!" I yelled in his face.

"Don't lie to me Bailee," Reese warned through gritted teeth.

"But I wasn...."

I fell to the ground and held my throbbing cheek.

"You hit me!" I cried.

"Don't make me do it again."

"You're fucking high. What was it today? Meth? You're such a fucking asshole when you do that shit! Why the fuck do you do it when you know it makes you have a short fuse?" I screamed from the floor, looking at my boyfriend who just hit me.

Reese's hand connected with my face, again. He stormed off, leaving me to cry on the tile floor.

"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to," Reese apologized as he came back to where I was.

I picked myself up and went into his arms, getting snot all over the shoulder of his shirt. I still felt the pain in my cheek from his manly hits.

"It's okay. It won't happen, again. Right?" I kissed him. "It's okay."

At least I hoped it was okay and it wouldn't happen again.

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