Chapter Nineteen

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Brittney and Jack? What? She has to be lying. Jack always told me that he would never sleep with her. Did he lie to me? Did they have sex? Was he just as bad as Reese was? She knew that would hit me hard. I love- loved Jack like he was my boyfriend when we were together.

The door slammed and I jumped a little. Other than that, I couldn't move.

"Bailee, what did that mean?" Finn asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

I am sure as hell not going to ever tell Finn that I had some sort of relation with Jack.

"The pizza will be here in about an hour." Finn smiled.

"Sounds great." I offered him a fake, forced smile.

I need to call Jack. Actually better yet, I need to see him.

"Hey, I need to run to the store. Would you mind if I do that real quick? I'll be like thirty to forty minutes," I asked, not even looking at Finn.

"Sure. Want me to come with?" he asked.

"Umm.. I think I'll manage to get some stuff myself." I nodded and finally looked at him.

"See you when you get back." he smiled and kissed me.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you." I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"For what?" he asked.

"Just being here." I let go of him and smiled.

"Welcome. I'll be here, bye babe."

"Bye," I said as I grabbed my car keys off the hook in the kitchen and walked out the front door.

As I got into my car, I pushed the start button and peeled out of the driveway, determined to talk to Jack.

* * *

Thirteen minutes later and I pull up to James' and Jack's driveway. I don't see either of their cars or jeeps, so they might be parked in the garage or gone. I parked my car and got out. I ran up to the driveway, with all of my rage burning up inside me. I pounded on the door and James came to it.

"Hey sis." he rubbed his eyes.

Clearly, I had woken him up.

"Sorry." I pushed passed him. "I need to see Jack."

"He's sleeping in his room. Why do you need to see him?" James asked with a rude tone.

"Just, go back to bed," I sighed and ran up the stairs.

I managed to find Jack's room with ease.

I opened his door and saw him sleeping with a girl next to him. What in the fuck is wrong with him?! Fucking Jack.

"Jack." I stood at the foot of his bed and hit his leg.

"Jack," I called again.

He stirred and groaned.

"Jack, fucking wake up!" I yelled.

The blonde stirred and opened her eyes.

"Who are you?" she asked in a bitchy tone.

"Gosh," I sighed as I said it and rolled my eyes. "could you do me a favor and shut the fuck up?"

"JACK WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I yelled at him.

The girl stared at me as if I was crazy.

"His ex is crazy!" she exclaimed to herself.

"I am not his ex. I am the sister of the owner of this house. So I'd do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you," I told her.

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