Chapter Thirty-One

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Jack's face was bruised all over and there was a cut above his eyebrow. I couldn't bare to look at him. He limped when he walked and he looked restless.

"Honey, you're okay." my mother smiled.

I sat up so I could see everyone. I tried to keep my eyes away from Jack, but they kept diverting back to him. I didn't want James to hurt him, but nothing was stopping him.

I looked over at James and saw that he had a purplish brusie on his jaw. Nice.

For a minute or two, they were the only people I paid attention to. Then I notcied that Brittney was standing next to Jack.

I felt something inside me go off. I don't like them standing next to each other.

"So do you want to?" my mom asked me.

"What?" I asked and shook my head.

"Do you want to come stay with us for a few weeks. The doctor told us that you need have someone that will be with you all day and devote their time to you. You have a sprained ankle honey," she told me.

I looked down at my ankle and sure enough it was wrapped up.

"No. I don't want to stay with you. I want to stay at home," I told her.

"Who will stay home with you?" she asked with a concerned look.

"Sam," I stated.

"Actually babe, boss wants me in the whole week." Sam gave me an apologetic look and blew me a kiss.

"Chlo? Liv?" I asked.

"Nursing is a lot of work and three people already called in sick, and you're out with your sprained ankle," Olivia explained.

Great I have to go back home. Where all of my problems are.

"She can room with me for a few weeks. I don't mind," Jack spoke up.

"No she will not! She will be going back home with my mom. Why are you even here?" James asked Jack.

"James! Get out of his face. He's with me." Brittney pushed James back and grabbed Jack's hand.

I don't know what's worse; being with my parents or being with my sister and Jack. The guy I once loved and spent all of my time with. The guy that I was and still am forbidden to love.

"It's your choice honey," my dad said.

"I guess I'll stay with Jack and Brittney," I sighed.

"Well we have to go. Our flight leaves in an hour. We love you." my mom kissed my forehead, then my dad came over to me and hugged me.

"Love you too."

"And we have to go so that we can get ready for work," Chloe said.

"Alright. Love all of you." I smiled and waved them out.

It was just James, Jack, Sam, Brittney, and me.

"Sorry to kick you and Sam out, but I need to talk to my two guys for a minute," I told Brittney and Sam.

"Okay babe. I'll be right outside the door if you need anything." Sam kissed me and left with Brittney trailing behind him.


"What?" he asked.

"Look at Jack's face and tell me you didn't do that." I looked at James in the eye.

"I did, but..."

"See you fucking did. You saw us kissing. It was just a kiss that didn't mean anything. You took it way out of proportion. He's with Brittney." I rubbed my temple.

"He can not date my baby sister," James said.

"I'm right here," Jack stated.

"I know dick face. Shut the fuck up before I kick you teeth in."

"James, stop. I think it's time for you to leave," I told him.

"Gladly. Bye." he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

"I'm ready to leave too." I looked at Jack.


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