Chapter Fifteen

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I moved around and finally found Finn who was surrounded by a huge amount of girls. I rolled my eyes and walked through the crowd of girls then sat on his lap.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hi." he laughed at me.

I'm not one to get drunk, but it sounded good tonight. I can be a real partier, but it usually doesn't happen. I'm the one that tries to keep things in line.

"I'll be right back."

I walked through tens and tons of people, finding my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of vodka off the counter and started to down it. It hurt my throat, just a little, but I didn't care.

I stopped drinking and walked back over to Finn and sat on his lap again.

"Why are all of these girls around you?" I asked in a rude tone.

"I'm not sure actually. They all asked me to dance with them, but I told them that I was with you." Finn flashed me a warm smile.

"You didn't have to do that." I laughed and took another swig of the vodka in my hand. The bottle was already halfway gone.

"Yes I did. I didn't want the most beautiful girl to be mad at me." Finn offered me his hand.

I nodded and set my vodka down. Finn led me to the middle of the living room. We started dancing to the slow song that came on, it was nice. I became lightheaded after a little while.

"I'm gonna go sit down for a minute, you should keep dancing." I walked away from him.

I took a seat and someone handed me a red cup. I was already wasted enough, I think. I shrugged and took a drink. After that one, I drank about three cups before I stood up again.

I found Finn and grabbed onto him. I started to make out with him while laughing. He pulled me upstairs after a while and we went into my room. He locked the door, but I didn't care.

"Why'd you grab onto me?" he asked.

"You're really, cute." I laughed.


"Come here, I want to kiss you," I whined to him.

He walked over to my bed and started to kiss me. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it to mine. He removed his lips from mine and started to fiddled with my jeans. He got them unbuttoned and slid them down my perfectly tanned legs.

He took off my shirt, revealing my maroon bra.

I started to get uncomfortable, so I pushed him away, but he kept coming back.

"Babe, I know you want this." his hot breath was on my ear.

"No." I pushed him back.

"Come on, I know you love me."

"Get away," I whined and tried to shove him away from me.

He then grabbed my arms and forced himself on top of me, kissing down my neck.

"FINN, GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed and started to cry.

The door busted down and I saw someone standing in the doorway, it was a guy. I couldn't make out who it was because my
vision was so damn blurred.

The guy punched Finn a few times and he went down. After that, he then told someone to kick Finn out of the party.

"Thank you," I said out of breath.

"I couldn't find you anywhere. I'm so glad I heard you scream before anything happened." the guy picked me up and carried me a long walk.

"I'm gonna let you sleep this off." he put me down in a bed and covered me up with the blankets.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked.

"I don't think I should stay with you, it seems like a bad idea. I mean if you wake up and I'm still-"

"Shh." I pressed my finger to his lips. "Stay with me. I need you here. You saved my life."

"I guess I'll stay." he shrugged.

The guy crawled into bed next to me. I clutched to him tightly and went to sleep.

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