55 - The Fight; Part 1

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"Promise me you will take care of each other, "Mia said as soon as she found out we we were leaving.

"Don't worry, we will be back in one piece, "I told her and gave her a hug. Macy hadn't arrived yet and wasn't answering my calls. I left a voice mail for her explaining everything and asked my mum to take care of her.

"Don't worry about us. We will be fine," she answered before my dad came to talk to her. I really hope everything will be okay.

Katherine's POV

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. Amelia's team is planning to attack tomorrow and I just wanted to confirm if you are ready," I told her. The spell was quite complex and if she didn't follow all the guidelines to the letter it might backfire on us.

"I am. I took the portions just as you prescribed and I have been practising just in case," she replied.

"You know we don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"I want to do this, Katherine and I promise I won't let you down,"she replied before excusing herself and walking out. Elle knew perfectly well where her loyalty stood and I made a great decision when I took her in. This ancient spell has never been done for so many years and I hope that it will work tomorrow.

Peter's POV

We got ready and teleported to Utopia. Bella had told us that the barrier which was close to the Pixie forest was weak, so we were going to use that to get in the kingdom. As soon as we got two the royal gates, I took out the bottle and opened it, releasing all of Utopians memories. They deserved to know that Katherine killed King Arthur and that their promised princess was already home.

"We need to split up as soon as we go inside. Hunter, Eva, August and I will try to find the captured royals. The rest of you will have to fight whatever Katherine has prepared for us inside,"Jean instructed and we all agreed on her plan. Unfortunately, as soon as we got to the royal courtyard, we found Katherine's army, waiting for us.

"You thought I wouldn't see you coming?"she asked while standing at the second highest balcony. Elle and Marcus were also with her.

"Seems like we won't be splitting up after all,"Harry said before spreading his wings. Everyone got ready and waited for them to strike. We were only fourteen,  but we were quite powerful as a team and more powerful individually.

"Remember what you are fighting for, "I told them as soon as Katherine ordered her men to attack.

Kassie's POV

"Are you sure it is going to work? I mean, we have tried so many things but my powers still didn't manifest. "

"I'm sure. Just lie down and we'll do the rest, "King Jerome instructed.  I went to the middle of the room and did just as he said. They started chanting some strange words and I could feel something flowing through my body. It was working.

Peter's POV

Katherine's army was quite strong but as I looked around, everyone was doing quite well. Their numbers were reducing but we were still in one piece.

Suddenly, an energy wave came from the castle and nearly wiped out half of Katherine's army. I glanced at her and saw that she was also surprised. We stopped and looked at one another.

"It's Kassie. She was finally connected with her powers, "Sally explained and we all got excited. Katherine on the other hand seemed so anxious and after a short while, Marcus left her company and rushed inside the castle. Victory was coming our way and nothing would stop us this time.

Kassie's POV

After confirming that all my powers were working, it was time for us to join the others. I helped us out of the prison and as we ran in the castle corridors, we bumped into Marcus.

"Go, I'll take care of him, "King Jerome told us and took out his sword. We continued running until we got to the castle's backyard.

"There is a magic weapon I need to rush home for that will stop Katherine for good. Are you sure you'll be okay on your own? "

"Don't worry about me your highness. I'm sure I'll be okay. Don't be gone too long, "I said to her before she gave me a hug and ran to the horse stables. My necklace suddenly glowed and I levitated. I can't believe I finally had all my powers.

Jean's POV

King Jerome joined us and we were all surprised to see him. "It seems like you guys don't even need help, "he told me and I gave him a sword.

"That energy wave literally did most of the work for us. Wait, where is Queen Alexia and Princess Amelia? "

"I don't know where Queen Alexia is but there is the princess, "he replied before pointing to the sky. Princess Amelia was levitating and her whole look had changed since she was in a long white dress and her hair was quite darker. At that moment, she looked exactly like Queen Magdalene.

Katherine's POV

"This is impossible! "

"What's wrong, Katherine? Are you scared of me?"

"I'm not afraid of anyone young girl," I told her as I also levitated.

"Withdraw your army's attacks on my friends. This is between me and you 'dear aunt'."

"Fine, "I said before making the rest of my army vanish. Amelia has built up a lot of confidence and her whole outfit reminded me of my sister. "Look, dear, I have killed so many powerful people in this realm. What makes you different?"

"This, "she answered with a punch right across my face. I didn't know she could fight. "You killed my parents and took my kingdom from me. I'll make you pay, Katherine."

"And I'll make sure that Utopia will mourn the death of their promised princess, "I told her and threw some fire balls at her. I hope Elle was ready because it was time.

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