27 - Plan B

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We arrived and met Maverick at the entrance of the cabin. "It's so good to see you princess. I'm sorry about your father and the kingdom."

"Is he inside?" Maverick nodded and led the way. I found a lady in armour busy cleaning my father's face. She introduced herself as Jean and it seemed like my father's death had also hit her, hard. I gave him one last hug and kissed his forehead. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

"So what do we do now, princess?" Peter asked.

"I have no idea," I replied.

Mia's POV

I woke up, wore my robe and went to check on Kassie. I bet her night went well and Andrew might have asked her to be his girlfriend. I knocked on her door. No response. Maybe she's still asleep, I told myself. I opened her door and realised that her room was empty. I rushed to August' room and found him all dressed up. "Where is Kassie? "

"I'm going out to look for her. Something happened at the dance last night and she left early. Don't panic and I'll call you when I find her. Call me if she comes back home on her own, " he informed me before walking out. What could have possibly happened at the party?

Kassie's POV

"Arthur's plan b, "Marcus suddenly mentioned and Jean quickly agreed.

"Yes. Plan b. That might work. "

"Excuse me, what's plan b?" Peter asked. Jean took out a map from her bag, placed it on the table and told us to join her there.

"Our realm has five powerful kingdoms, each representing a vowel sound in the alphabet. Kingdoms Astoria, Eta, Isle, Oracle and Utopia. Each has its own supernatural gift and your dad thought that maybe the way to beat Katherine is to join forces with the other kingdoms. "

"Would they even help us? "I inquired.

"Yes. Katherine is also a threat to their people. Your dad had already made plans for Astoria and Utopia to join forces through Prince Liam and you, so we only need the other three kingdoms,"she concluded. I don't think that Astoria will even help us after what happened at the dance.

"Since King Arthur is gone, we won't speak directly to the Kings and Queens. Some will take it as being rude while others might have had a bad history with Utopia. We will instead go to the princes and princesses who will later talk to their parents, "Maverick added. I hope the plan is as easy as it sounds. "We'll start our journey tomorrow which means, your highness, that you need to go back home and grab your stuff." I agreed and Peter told them that he would accompany me. I wondered what Mia would think about all this?

August' POV

"Hey Miss Henderson, "Macy hugged my mum as soon as we arrived. "I'm sorry but she didn't come to my place."

"It's okay Macy. I know she will come back soon,"she told her. I glanced at the living room and noticed Bella with some of the untouchables. Sadly, Andrew and some of the boys were also with them.

"You dare show up in my house? "I asked Andrew and interrupted them.

"Last time I checked this is also Bella's house so I have a right to be here," he answered. Something had changed in Andrew. He has always wanted to have Kassie, ever since the summer camp we went in middle school.

"Boys, please don't fight....."mother was about to finish when she suddenly went silent. Kassie and Peter walked in the living room and Kassie was surprised to find so many people in the house. "Kassie!"mother cried out and gave her a hug. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. August and Macy spent their morning searching for you. I thought something bad had happened and........ "

"Mum, I'm okay. I need to talk to the three of you in private, "she told her before smiling at Macy and I.

Kassie's POV

"For how long will you be gone? Are you sure we can't come with you? We are also family and Utopia needs us too."

"No," I told Mia as I packed my bags. "You need to stay so that Katherine doesn't become suspicious. August and Macy you should also remain because of school and basically your normal lives. This is my fight, not yours. "

"Fine. Promise me you'll call when you need something. I can be your spy back home. Help you with some investigation, " August suggested and Macy laughed.

"He's right, but the investigation will be mine. August can't even trace where his phone is sometimes, "she added.

"Fine, "I agreed and gave them goodbye hugs. "Oh and one more thing. Don't tell Andrew anything about this. Astoria should be the last people to know." Peter opened a portal and we went back to Utopia. I went to an empty room in the cabin and changed out of my prom dress. I wore a pair of black trousers,a small grey T-shirt, and held my hair in a ponytail. I know a princess doesn't wear such clothes but I was preparing for war, not a royal ball.

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