58 - Big Day

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Kassie's POV

"I don't think I can do this," I told Macy as she fixed my hair. A week had passed ever since I woke up and today was my coronation. Hunter wanted me to be the Queen as soon as possible since being a leader wasn't meant for him.

"Relax. You look beautiful. Besides, I'm sure you'll be a great Queen," she replied before August and Andrew joined us.

"Oh my goodness!" they both exclaimed before bowing.

"You look so beautiful," Andrew said before giving me a hug and planting a kiss on my neck.

"Thank you, "I answered before holding his hand. He was to escort me to the entrance of the royal garden, then I would proceed on my own to where Hazel would be standing. The magic council decided that she would be the one presiding over the coronation. My heart was pumping quite fast and many thoughts criss crossed my mind. What if someone more powerful than Katherine shows up today and tries to kill me? What if I mess things up?

"I'll talk to you later and don't worry too much, "Andrew whispered before joining August and Macy as they used a different path. The whole congregation stood up as I slowly walked to where Hazel was. I could feel so many eyes staring at me but on the bright side, I won't need a wedding practise session in future.

I knelt in front of Hazel and lowered my head. The music stopped and everyone sat down. A guard gave Hazel a long, white sceptre and a huge sword. "Madam, is your majesty willing to take the oath?"

"Yes, I am willing,"I answered and was instructed to hold the sceptre.

"Do you solemnly promise to govern the people of Utopia according to their respective laws and customs for as long as you shall live?"

"Yes I do solemnly promise."

"Will you, to your power, cause law and justice ,in mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"Yes I will."

"Then by the power vested in me, as the healer of the five realms, declare you the 22nd queen of Utopia,"she said and tapped my shoulders with the sword. She picked up the crown and placed it on my head. "All hail Queen Amelia!"

"All hail Queen Amelia!" the crowd repeated before clapping and cheering. I stood up and turned to face them. I glanced over at Andrew and he gave me two thumbs up. I had informed Hazel that I wasn't quite good at giving speeches and she told me that it was okay since it wasn't mandatory for a new queen or king to do so. Peter came and escorted me to a chariot. It was now time for the coronation feast, which was being hosted by the pixies.

"I'm so proud of you! You are going to make a great Queen,"Peter said as soon as we entered the chariot and gave me a hug.

"I honestly felt like I was going to die. Can't I go back to the castle and change into something more comfortable?"

"Nope. You have to attend the feast in the same attire you took the oath in. You can wear a different outfit for the evening party."

"There is a party after this?"

"Yes, which you must attend. So many guests would want to congratulate you and it will be a great chance for you to meet some of the other royals in the realm. Don't sweat it though. You have me to help you out, "he answered. I just wanted this day to end so that I can go to bed and sleep.


The feats was quite a success. Princess Takara was a very hospitable Pixie and everyone enjoyed themselves. It was now time for the evening party and I was in my new room, changing into my flat shoes since the heels were too tiring. I had spent most of the night talking to so many people and I was already tired. I went back downstairs and noticed that they were finally playing the songs that I had given them. I passed by the refreshments table and took a glass of passion juice.

"Hello, Queen Amelia."

"Prince Liam, so nice to see you this evening, "I told him before he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss. My relationship with Andrew was doing so much better than I could have ever imagined and I was grateful. Since I was going to stay here for the rest of my life, I had to change my official name to Amelia Henderson since most Utopians didn't know me as Kassie.

"You seem exhausted. Just go to bed and relax. I'm sure Peter will handle everything else, "he told me as he refilled my glass. "I'll see you in the morning, love."

"Fine then, goodnight."

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