18 - Grandma Lily

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Kassie's POV

I finished packing and took my bag downstairs. Some had arrived, and were busy taking breakfast. Since everyone had a plus one , I decided to invite Peter instead of Nova. I didn't know how to approach him since I have been avoiding him.

"Kassie would you like some orange juice? "

"I'm fine Mia," I told her and rushed upstairs for my other bag which had my personal stuff and my diary.

"Okay, since we are a total of eight people, we can't all go in one car. We'll use two cars, Maverick's car and August's car. Bella, Peter and I will be in Maverick's car and Kassie, Macy and Andrew will be in August's car," she instructed and we all dispersed to pick up our luggage. I entered the car and sat at the back with Andrew. Macy sat at the front passenger seat and we followed Maverick's car. I don't get why grandma wanted everyone to bring a plus one. What was the point anyway? They turned on the radio and I closed my eyes to sleep. Grandma's place was in the other side of town, deep in the countryside and she had her own private part of the lake.

             *          *          *          *
"Kassie, we are here, "Andrew woke me up as soon as we had arrived. I got out of the car and I took my luggage from the car boot. Grandma seemed so happy to see us, and for the first time she even gave me a welcome hug.

"It's going to be a full house tonight. Everyone follow me, I want to show you your rooms, "she said excitedly. Grandma's place had two rooms and two guest rooms. Since one room was for Mia and Maverick, the boys were to share one room and us girls the other room. At least our room had a working shower and toilet. Since Bella was too much of a brat to sleep with another girl in the same bed, Macy and I decided to use the sleeping bags. It was lunch time and we decided to go downstairs.

Mia's POV

"Why didn't you tell me that Hunter has a brother, and that the  three of you come from a different world? "

"The past didn't matter anymore. He gave up his kingdom just to have a normal life for you. I still don't get why he had so much love for you. Anyway now that you already know, no harm done right? "she explained and took the pasta to the dining table.

"Actually there is one thing you need to know. Kassie is King Arthur biological daughter."She couldn't believe it. The granddaughter she very much despised was actually her blood. She was about to reply when the girls came downstairs.

"The pasta smells so good grandma, "Bella commented and took her seat at the dining table. The guys also came and we all started eating. Grandma couldn't stop looking at Kassie, as if she didn't believe me. Thank God that she had worn a vest, since her necklace was showing and it justified my truth.

"I told you to bring a plus one because I thought of meeting your friends and lovers before my time on earth ends. After this I want everyone to get comfortable and then tomorrow we shall go down to the lake for a picnic, " Lily explained and everyone seemed excited. She glanced at me and gave me a smile.

Kassie's POV

After lunch I went upstairs to charge my phone. As I was leaving the room, I bumped into Andrew in the corridor and he was only in a towel. Their room didn't have a bathroom and I remember we usually left it for August every time we came here during the holidays. His muscles were perfectly toned and his wet hair just made him look even better.

"You liking what you seeing? "

"Oh please. Next time just put on a T-shirt. Not everyone here is Bella so try showing some decency," I answered, trying as hard as I could not to look at his body, only at his face. He smirked and walked away. He had a tattoo of a dandelion on his back which was so adorable. I sat next to Peter in the living room and found them watching a fairy tale movie.

"Thoughts on princesses?" he randomly asked after I grabbed a pillow from another couch.

"They have nice dresses and beautiful long hair but I don't think the Prince Charming thing is realistic. "

"Maybe it's because you haven't found yours, "August added and smiled at Macy. "Give love a chance and you'll see. " Andrew walked in and we all kept quiet. I know August meant that I should give Andrew a chance but how was I supposed to start? If he found out about Nova's kiss I bet he would be mad. Who knows, maybe things might work out well if I let him in.

Grandma Lily

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Grandma Lily

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