38 - Closure

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Sally's POV

"You are too late. My brother has already formed an alliance with Katherine which means the Isle kingdom will help her."

"We don't need the kingdom as a whole, we need you," the guy called Maverick replied. Bruce and Maverick worked for the princess, and thought that it would be easy to convince me and not my brother. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

"Your highness, it's Katherine. Just wanted to check if you are doing okay in your guest room, "she said. The guys looked worried and I gave them my pocket watch.

"Both of you, hold this watch and don't let go or move until Katherine is gone,"I whispered to them and walked to the door. I opened it and Katherine walked in.

"Your brother tells me you don't seem interested in helping me. Why? "

"It's not like I disagree with you or anything but I trust in energy and the type of energy here isn't nice,"I told her. She seemed mad and faked a smile.

"Fine then. I'll see you in the morning," she spoke before walking out. Her hair reminded me of my dream. What if the red flame was her and the white flame was Amelia?

"How could she not see us? "

"The pocket watch made you invisible, "I told Bruce as I sat on the bed. "If my brother wants to team up with Katherine, fine, but I'll team up with the right people.  Bruce, Maverick,count me in, "I added and they both smiled.

"Then you do know that you can't stay here tonight. We need to find a way out because our portals can't work in the palace without Katherine feeling it."

"Let me write a letter to my brother, then we will go," I answered. I really hope I'm doing the right thing.

Macy's POV

How was I supposed to tell them? Everyone seemed happy and I didn't want to ruin everyone's mood. "Hey Macy, what's wrong? "

"Nothing, "I told Venus and took a sip of water.

"It will continue bothering you unless you tell them, Macy, "Corey said. I had forgotten about his powers.

"Fine. I won't be able to help you all anymore. My family and I are moving to Oakland. "

"What?" Kassie and August asked at the same time, both in shock.

"My parents and Jamal's parents have a business project and since it is being situated at Oakland, we all have to move because my dad can't leave Jeremy and I alone in the house, "I explained. August left the living room without a word and Kassie suddenly hugged me, breaking down in tears.

"I don't want you to go. You are my best friend. We've shared so many memories together. How am I supposed to face Katherine without your support? "

"I'll be calling you everytime. Look, this is as hard for me as it is for you. I'll miss everyone here and I don't know how my life will be without my best friends,"I replied and Nova joined us.

"I'll handle her since you need to talk to August,"Nova said and soothed Kassie. I went to August's room and I found him on his bed.

"Hey. "

"Why didn't you want to tell us that you were going? You came at around 4pm and now it's 9pm. Five hours? "

"At least I've told you," I replied. We haven't had a conversation ever since the day at the cafeteria so I decided to ask about Brittany. "What happened between you two? If Brittany was so much better, why date me in the first place? "

"Nothing happened between me and Brit okay. What about you and your ex? I can't believe you are moving out with him."

"At least I didn't kiss him, "I blurted and August looked at me, surprised. "Yes I know you two kissed, and that it wasn't a mistake because it seems you also enjoyed it. "

"Look, it was a mistake and at that time Brit was worried about her little...... "

"I want closure, August. "


"We were not made for each other and it's sad that I got to realise it the hard way. You are the actual A in the A team and I'm just a nerdy friend of your sister."

"I'm not giving up on us, Macy and neither should you."

"I'm not giving up on anything since there was no us from the start. We've been on and off the whole time. I think moving to Oakland is better for both of us. Please don't make this hard for me."

"It's already hard for me, Macy. I love you and I will always do, "he said after standing up and holding my hands.

"And I loved you but we just have to break up, "I said and noticed that those words broke my heart too.

Sally's POV

"Are you okay? "I asked Bruce and looked at his chest. The thing had left a deep cut that was bleeding non stop. "What was that? "

"A phoenix. Katherine must have known we were here and that we have you, "Maverick replied while shooting some arrows at it. I tore a piece of my dress and wrapped it around his chest, to help stop the bleeding. I left him to rest in a cave and went back to help Maverick.

"I didn't know Phoenix still exist, "I commented as I blasted balls of fire at it.

"Me too, "he replied. He continued shooting some arrows and the Phoenix stopped and looked at us. Wait, it wasn't attacking anymore.

"Don't shoot, "I told Maverick as I approached the Phoenix. It had now landed and was trying to remove the arrow from its wing. I went closer and realised that it was wearing a necklace. After removing the arrow from its wing, I quickly called Maverick and showed him the necklace.

"It's impossible. This necklace is only worn by the Royal family," he said before pulling it from the creatures neck. A green fog came out of the Phoenix and he transformed into a man who collapsed on the ground.

"Do you know him? "I asked Maverick who was in shock when he realised who the man was.

"Yes, yes I do."



I'm sorry for not updating earlier, I was kinda busy.🌼

But I'm back and I promise to update frequently since it's almost ending 😪 💔

Thank you for your support. Keep voting, commenting and forgiving me for my many typos. ✨

I love you all. ♥

Misspotatowrites 👑

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