45 - Fun

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Kassie's POV

"We'll be wasting time if you guys start fighting. Right now we should be making a list of all those people who would like to seek revenge on Jamal or even call the police."

"No. We are not telling the cops about this, "Jamal said.

"Oh, and why is that?" August asked after he restrained himself from beating up Jamal.

"Because, I already know who took her and why. If he gets to know that the cops are involved he will not spare her."

"Jamal is right, August. We can't tell the cops about this. Now what are we going to do?"

"Y'all need a plan and I got one," Reina answered before giving me a hug. "Don't worry, we'll save her."

Macy's POV

I should have known from the start it was Dave. He placed a glass of water on my mouth and helped me to drink up. For some weird reason he could not untie my hands and as time passed I got more and more frustrated. Where was Jamal? He should have saved me by now.

"So, Dave, do you usually kidnap girls who ignore your flirts or this is all because of Jamal? "

"Well, dear, I'm not mad at you. This is just a score I have to settle with Jamal. Don't worry, after this you'll be mine, I'll wife you and make you pregnant with my child,"he explained before he forcefully gave me a kiss.

"You are a maniac, Dave and I'm not interested in your offer."

"Who said it was an offer? You'll be mine, Macy, either by will or by force. I have my ways, dear, "he concluded before walking out. At least he didn't blindfold me. As I stared into the darkness, I started to realised how much I missed Kassie, Nova, August and everybody else. I hope they are all doing fine.

Kassie's POV

"I called Dave. I told him that I was ready to talk and he gave me an address. I'm not sure if that is where he is hiding Macy though."

"But at least we have a clue. Remember, stick to the plan. My girls and I do the distracting while the two of you look for Macy since Jamal will keep Dave busy, "Reina reminded us before she went to the car with her girlfriends who were all wearing sexy clothes. Reina's plan was weird but she called it a win win since at the end we would have Macy and they would have had fun with Dave's gang. We parked the cars behind an old house before Jamal walked to the address. It was an old building which looked like it would collapse any day from now. Reina led everyone to the back of the building and after hearing some male voices inside, we were sure that they were inside. The girls entered first and after a while, Reina threw a bottle through the window, meaning that it was safe to go in.

"Wait, how are we sure that's from Reina?"

"Reina comes from a rich family and that is a bottle of Ciroc, which is always in her car. Of course it's from Reina," I told him before we sneaked in. It took us a while before we found the room where Macy was. She looked weak but excited to see us. I heard someone coming and I quickly locked the door.

August's POV

I gave her a warm smile before untying her. The guy outside was trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge since Kassie had locked it.

"I had missed you guys so much, "she said with a lot of happiness.

"We missed you too Macy but let's postpone the catching up after we manage to get out of this place alive, "I told her before holding her hand.

"I'll have to do it, "Kassie stated, and focused at the door which was almost breaking into two.

"That's a bad idea, Kassie. If any of Katherine's spies sense your powers here on earth she will surely come for you. Besides, basing on how the door is about to break, the guy out there seems strong, "I tried to convince her before the door broke down and the guy entered. He tried to charge at us but he wouldn't move. I looked over at Kassie and saw her struggling. She was using her powers to stop him.

"Guys get out now! "she shouted. We quickly got out and she made the ceiling collapse immediately after getting out. Suddenly, the whole building began to tremble.

"You have powers? "

"Yes, but as August said, let's do the catching up in his car,"she answered before we all ran as fast as we could. Reina and her girls were already outside by the time we got there.

"I told you my plan would work, "she said before smirking. The rest of the gang had passed out and were lying on the ground. She was right, everything worked. Now it was all up to Jamal. He needed to settle his beef with Dave so that nothing like this ever happens again.

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