2 - Andrew Marshall

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I picked up my tray and walked over to our table. Nova had already arrived and was busy with his drawings. Soon, Macy joined us and I decided to ask her about the soccer game.

"It's okay, I'll come. Besides, I don't have any plans for the evening," she replied. I caught August glancing at our table and I gave him a thumbs up. He smirked at me and continued chatting with his group. My phone buzzed and when I looked at the screen, it was a text from Mia.

"I'm in the night shift today at the hospital so I'll come home extra late. I left a huge bowl of ice cream hidden in the fridge just for you. Take care."

When Mia isn't at home during the night I'm usually alone in the house. August and Bella are always at house parties somewhere. After the afternoon lessons I  met up with Macy and together we went to the field. Nova couldn't come, he said the journalism club was meeting with the principal to plan for something. We quickly sat at a bench and watched as the opponent team walked in.

"Kassie! What are you doing here? "Bella asked in total disappointment. I never understood why she hated me so much but I decided to let it slide.

"Can't I come watch August play? I'm not even talking to you so what's the issue, "I answered her and cheered with the rest of the school as August and his team walked in. Macy couldn't keep her eyes off August and he would often throw glances at us during the game. Love, makes you do stupid things for stupid reasons. I'm not a hater, just not the romance kind of person. It was halftime and Nova decided to join us.

"How did the meeting go? "Macy asked after buying some hotdogs for us.

"Good. I can't tell you the details but something awesome is going to happen tomorrow. "

"No more school?"Nova and Macy laughed at my question before giving each other a high five. What? No more school would be the best thing to ever happen in my life.

The match continued and in the end, they won. August and the boys celebrated on the field and sang their victory song, which everyone joined. As we left our bench, August ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Eww you are sweaty and gross, "I pointed out and pushed him away. He greeted Macy and invited us to their victory eat out at the Dream restaurant. Macy quickly agreed but I refused. I had a lot of literature notes to finish up on.

"It's okay. I'll see you there Macy. Oh and since I'll be organising everything, my friend will take you home,"he explained and ran off. Which friend? Macy gave me a hug and hurried off so that she could get enough time for her date with my brother. Yes, she lied to herself that it was a date. Classic Macy. I went to the parking lot and crossed my fingers, hoping it's not some guy with a weird car driving me home. I am protective over my comfort more than anything.

"Hey Kassie, "some guy called out. I know that voice. No no no. Not this friend. I turned around and forced a smile on my face.

"Andrew, what a surprise, "I said before shaking his hand. Andrew was part of the A team, meaning that of course he was handsome and had all girls at school obsessed. He had long, dark brown hair that curled and rested on his shoulder. He was tall, had an amazing body and a killer smile. Andrew Marshall was the ideal husband for everyone, including Bella. They have been friends for a while but they never dated for some reason I never knew. She was his number one fan and if she saw me in his car, she would literally kill me. I followed him to his car, his awesome black Range and as soon as I got in, I fastened my seatbelt. He drove out of the parking lot and headed to my place.

"Are you joining us later? "

"And miss doing my homework, no I'm okay," I sarcastically replied and he laughed.

"Is sarcasm your nature? "he asked and I nodded. It was around seven o'clock in the evening when he dropped me off. He wished me a good night before driving off. I took out my keys and opened my front door. No one was home. I changed into my pajamas and went downstairs for my ice cream. I did my homework and when I was done, I wrote in my diary and later fell asleep. I was later woken up by Nova, who was entering through my window. He usually crashes in my room whenever his parents had a fight and well tonight was one of those times. I went to my wardrobe and took out a sleeping bag, just for him. I gave him one of my pillows and went back to sleep.

Andrew Marshall

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Andrew Marshall

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