46 - A bullet for you

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Jamal's POV

"It's over, Dave. We settled this score a long time ago so I don't see the reason why you dragged Macy into our mess, "I told him. We were both holding our guns, aiming at one another.

"Just because you're rich doesn't mean you get to have everything. You stole my girl and I was repaying the deed."

"How many times am I going to tell you that she wanted me? I ignored her and she went after another rich guy she could find. She's a whore, Dave and you been to realise that your obsession for her isn't healthy,"I explained before dropping my arm and placing the gun in my pocket. "Shoot if you want to. Look, you can have your hood back, your girl back,your following back but you can't have Macy,"I added before walking away. Dave was a psycho,but he never had the guts to hurt anyone. His kidnap plan, alongside all his other plans in the past always backfired and that's what made him predictable. Some guys just don't know when to give up.

Macy's POV

August parked his car and I got out with Kassie. She wanted to go inside with me for support, since I wanted to tell my dad that I was going back to Whitewood. Luckily, he wasn't home so I told my mother and explained everything to her. She understood and promised to talk to him later. We went to my room and Kassie helped me pack. "I noticed back there that you had your powers."

"Yeah I was able to connect with them, although Sally says that what I have is a small portion of my actual powers."

"At least there is progress, "I remarked. After a few minutes I was done and Kassie carried my backpack while I dragged my suitcase. As August helped me put my luggage in his car, Jamal's car drove into our driveway and stopped before he got out.

"You're leaving?"

"She's not safe here. It's better for her to go back home, to us," August answered.

"Macy, can I talk to you for a minute? "he inquired. I wanted to approach him but Kassie pulled me back. I smiled at her before she let me go and I went to Jamal. He tried to convince me but I explained to him that I wasn't cut out for Oakland. I promised to always keep in touch with him and gave him a hug. I entered August's car and we drove off.

Kassie's POV

I was so glad Macy was back and I couldn't wait for tonight so that I update her on everything that happened during the last one month.

"I can't believe you are back!"some girl shrieked happily which made all of us look back. It just had to be Brittany." Oh, Macy's back too, "she added with a disappointed tone in her voice.

"You know what, Brittany, I won't let you get into my head. I've gone through a lot today and I just want to rest, "Macy stated and lifted her suitcase from the car to the ground. As if things couldn't get worse Jamal's car showed up. Aaarrghh not again!

"What do you seriously want, Jamal? "I asked and the car door swung open. A different guy walked out, aiming a gun at us which made Brittany scream and hid behind the car.

"Well, I'm definitely not Jamal but I want Macy. So if y'all just stay still I promise I won't hurt anyone, "he ordered.

"Look,Dave, I don't know exactly what happened between you and Jamal but I apologize on his behalf. But please don't involve me. I'm just his friend. So if you could just go back home then everything will go back to normal," Macy tried reasoning with him but he still did not drop his gun. Mia and Hunter joined us and seemed quite confused.

"I'll go back home, as long as you come with me," he replied before approaching Macy. August stopped him and tried to take away his gun I told Macy and Brittany to enter our house and Hunter decided to come out and help me in splitting them up. They both had bloody noses and Dave was still holding his gun.

"Please leave,"I requested. He turned and walked over to his car. Macy had run up to August and gave him a big hug.

August's POV

"I'm glad you are okay,"Macy whispered before giggling. I looked over at Dave and saw him aiming his gun at Macy. Before he could fire, I quickly switched places with her. The next thing I heard was a gunshot, followed my a sharp pain in my back and I collapsed. The last thing I could see was Macy crying before seeing total darkness.

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