21- Mo' problems

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Kassie's POV

I walked to my locker and I found Nova standing beside it. I hadn't talked to him since the kiss because our friendship became pretty much weird after that.

"I don't like it when you ignore me, Kassie, "he started and held the locker door for me.

"I also didn't like it when you kissed me. "

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that and I hope you forgive me, soon. I just want us to be the three musketeers like back in the day,"he said and smiled at me. Nova was my best friend, I couldn't stay mad at him.

"Fine. I'll see you at lunch, "I told him and closed my locker. The bell rang and I hurried to class.

* * * *

"Why aren't you sitting with August today?" Nova asked Macy as soon as she sat down with us.

"Apparently I had missed the two of you so much. Besides, we are not in good terms."

"What happened? "

"He's kinda like a control freak. He wants me to behave in a certain manner in front of the A team and sometimes he doesn't even want me to talk. "

"But the sweetheart dance is this Saturday and he has always been the guy of your dreams. You should try taking to him about it," Nova advised. I hadn't even realised that my birthday was coming up. I glanced over at the A team's table and my eyes suddenly met with Andrew's. He was a really huge help yesterday and even though I was in so much pain, I still enjoyed his company. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'll talk to him. We should go to the mall after school. You guys know we don't have anything to wear to the dance, " Macy spoke. She was right. We agreed to meet at Nova's car so that we would go together. At least things were back to normal.

Bella's POV

I walked out of the cafeteria and met up with Nova. "I can't be seen with you at school, my reputation matters. "

"Calm down. Someone wants to have a quick chat with you, "he said and led me to the janitor's closet. The smells! He then pushed a button on his wrist watch and we suddenly were in a huge house.

"Hello Bella Henderson, we finally get to meet. I am Katherine, and I am willing to help you get Andrew, if you are willing to help me, "the lady introduces herself and scrutinized me. So this is the same Katherine who tried to kill Kassie some time before.

"How would you help me have Andrew all to myself? "

"With this, "she replied and showed me a bottle of some purple glowing liquid. "It is a love portion. As soon as he takes this, make sure you are with him when it happens. He will instantly fall in love with you and this time round, nothing will break it. " She gave me the bottle. "So are you in?"

"Yes," I answered and she smiled. I looked around and noticed that Elle was here. It's time for Kassie to get out of my life, for good.

Kassie's POV

We entered Nova's car and headed for the mall. Peter decided to tag along, since after shopping we had some project to finish for the class. He parked the car and we got out. My colour was white, Nova had black (lucky), Macy had yellow and Peter practically didn't sign up, but he was still going since he was in charge of the photo booth. He went with Nova to choose their tuxedos and we started our hunt for the dresses. I couldn't find any that pleased me, so I decided to give up. Macy, however, found a beautiful, sleeveless dress that made her look like a real princess.

"You should definitely wear that, "I told her and took a picture. She blushed and rushed back into the changing room. I hope things work out between her and August.

Mia's POV

"I've decided that Kassie should be told the truth about her history. If she learns about everything after her birthday maybe it will be too late, "Arthur suddenly spoke and Maverick looked at him, surprised.

"Are you sure, your highness? "

"Yes. Aren't you also worried that Katherine hasn't done anything. She has been too quiet. At least this time, we shall be prepared."

The King was right. Kassie needed to know everything. Even August and Bella.

"We'll tell her tomorrow during dinner, "I informed them and they agreed. I don't know why but I have a feeling that something bad will happen, soon.

Kassie's POV

I walked out of my shower and my phone suddenly rang. Andrew.


"Hey. How is your stomach today?"

"Good. It really appreciates the good care you gave it yesterday."

"I'm honoured. Anyway I wanted to ask you something, "


"Does your necklace ever glow? "

"Nope. Why do you ask? "

"Never mind about it. Anyway have a lovely night."

"Thank you and have a lovely night too."

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