40 - The Announcement

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Kassie's POV

"Your world is pretty much interesting. I like it here, "Corey remarked while we took out the trash. "Haven't you talked to Sally about your powers?"

"I didn't want to tell her immediately without her having some time to adjust to the new environment,"I answered. We walked back in and found Hazel, busy talking to Peter.

"Looks like Katherine found out about your plan, princess. She's about to make a public address a few moments from now," Hazel informed us.

"Then we have to go, "Sally said. August walked in and whispered to me that Macy loved the gift bag. Later, Eva arrived and was carrying a big box.

"I thought everybody would need a wardrobe change. We need to blend in with the others so that Katherine won't see us." She handed out clothes to everyone and it turned out that she had also brought extras. The girls and I rushed to my room to change and by the time we were back we found the boys already changed and waiting for us. Mia decided to remain with Maverick so that they would take care of Hunter and wait for him to wake up. Peter opened a portal for us and we went through. Everybody in the kingdom was at the royal courtyard and others outside the gate. Katherine was standing at the top balcony together with Sally's brother, Elle, Marcus and Bella. I can't believe Bella was still on her side. Jean saw that it was best for us to split up, and that after the announcement, everybody was to go to Astoria, where Queen Alexia would be waiting. We were divided into three groups, each had someone who could either teleport or open a portal to Astoria. Andrew, Eva and Bruce were with Jean, Harry, Nova and Venus were with Sally while August, Corey and I were with Peter. We went different ways and mixed with the crowd. Good thing people didn't know me.

"What do you think is going to happen after this? "

"I have no idea, Kassie. Let's just hope for the best."

* * * * *

"Hello people of Utopia. Today we stand here with great news. The Isle Kingdom has decided to unite with us. They have always been neglected by the others who saw them as different. But they are not different. We are all the same. Some several weeks ago the other kingdoms planned an attack against us. They took our King and left our Kingdom in pain."

"She is seriously going to play victim?"I asked Peter and he shook his head.

"I think she has manipulated not only Jerome's mind but also everyone else's mind , "he whispered.

"King Arthur always had a vision to unite all the five kingdoms of this realm but how can it be possible if Eta, Oracle and Astoria are planning to attack us and hurt our families? It's sad that the princess who was supposed to save us all has joined hands with them. I think it's time for Utopia to rise up and defend herself. No more oppression. No more wars. No more deaths. The Isle and Utopia kingdoms will now merge and will be ruled by both King Jerome and I. The others want a battle, we will give them a battle. We shall avenge King Arthur's death."

She concluded and everyone cheered. "Don't you see it. She's lying. She's the one who killed King Arthur," I tried to convince some of them but it was no use. They were already excited and cheering Katherine.

"Let them be Kassie. Right now we have to leave, "Peter said. He tried opening a portal but failed.

"Umm, bro, what's going on?" August asked. He looked up and seemed worried.

"Katherine is forming a protective barrier around Utopia and it is messing up with my powers. We need to get to the Pixie Forest, "he replied. Wait, did he say Pixie?

Mia's POV

I came back with a cup of ginger tea and the family photo album. Maverick assured me that he would wake up soon, before he left with Hazel to take care of some work. I started to talk to myself while going through the photos. I still had our high school photos and the more I look at them the more I realised he also wore a pendant like Kassie's back then. His hand suddenly held mine and I could see him smile.

"Hunter! Hunter! It's Mia. Please wake up, "I pleaded as I kissed his hand.

"Of....course....it's....you......Mia.....Your........hair.....still....smells........like......mint, "he struggled to say while opening his eyes.

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