50 - Master plan

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"Look who decided to join us. It's always good to see you, August,"Brittany said as soon as we walked up to them. Dave was quite surprised to see me here.

"I see you've already healed. I didn't mean to harm anyone, I just wanted to scare y'all."

"How do you know each other?" August asked Brittany. She stood up and giggled. The drunk version of Brittany was far more annoying than the sober one.

"Darling, I know everyone around here,"she answered. Dave smiled at me before reaching out for my hand.

"Don't you dare touch me. So this was your plan all along, hire a stalker who would get rid off me so that you can have August all to yourself?"

"I knew you were a smart person. You are half correct because it was partly my plan and partly his." Dave stood up and August stood between us.

"Let me apologize to her bro," Dave said and glanced at me.

"Don't bro me. Look, you had your fun and you are lucky that I didn't take this to the cops. I suggest that you leave my girlfriend alone, if you know what's best for both of you," he explained before taking me outside. "Let's go home."

Kassie's POV

I was about to enter Sally's room when I found her door open and heard her talking to someone. As I turned around to leave, I heard her mention Katherine and I decided to eavesdrop. Well, I'm not the type of person to do so but since she's been acting strange lately, I needed to find out the truth myself.

"Well, I don't think the others would approve of this but I'm happy you do. The initial plan is still on hold due to Alexia's orders so that means we still have time." Who was she talking to? Was she spying on us?

"Good, we'll talk about this later. You need to go back to the rest before they start wondering where you are," a male voice told her. I quickly tiptoed away from her room and hurried to Corey's room. Luckily, I found him on his bed, meditating.

"I think Sally is a spy," I told him and he opened his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I heard her talking to some guy and telling him about our plan. I don't know if she has those magic mirrors with her but I swear she was talking to someone," I responded. If she was a spy for Katherine, then this was bad for our team.

Bella's POV

The house had suddenly turned into a nest for lovebirds. One one side, it was August and Macy while on the other side, it was Mia and Hunter. I went to the kitchen, took some snacks and went upstairs to watch a movie. I found Hunter waiting for me in my room. He was busy studying the posters on my walls and didn't notice my presence.

"Can I help you with something, Dad?"

"I came to talk to you. Your mother told me that you work for Katherine now."

"Yes and I know all of you are on Kassie's side but I don't like her at all, dad."

"I get it. You were used to being the only daughter before she came and I vanished. Being with such people is changing you to be a bad person and I know you,"he said. "I need to tell you something about Katherine. She killed Kassie's mum, who was her only sister and wanted to kill Kassie too. I was the one who brought Kassie here and left her at our doorstep. Katherine's goons finally caught me and she transformed me into a phoenix."

"That means you are the Phoenix who was saved by Maverick?"

"Yes," he acknowledged. I didn't see my father for 15 years because of Katherine. "Look, my love. She might be your friend now but I've seen her kill all those who have been loyal to her. If she killed both her sister and her first love, what reason will she have of sparing your life? Change your ways now Bella before it's too late," he added before walking out. I didn't know about Kassie's parents. They all kept me in the dark. They used me. I should have realised that Katherine only cares about herself.

Elle's POV

The magic mirror responded and Katherine's face appeared. "How are things going on back there?"

"You were right about him. He's not on our side. I heard him talking to his sister."

"Lock him up and have him tortured. I can't stand betrayal. Anyway have you been reading the book I gave you?"

"Yes. I'm ready for the merge your highness,"I told her.

"Good. Take care of things in Utopia and don't forget about torturing the other royal."

"Don't worry, I have everything under control, "I reassured her before the call ended. I drank the portion and went back outside to tell Marcus about Katherine's instructions.

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