9 - Ice cream

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Kassie's POV

I walked around lazily in the school hallway. The nightmares hadn't stopped and I was very tired. I really wasn't in the mood for learning but I had to come, so as to not ruin my attendance record. I had already lost two days. I looked like a zombie, since I was wearing sweatpants and a huge hoodie that used to be August's gift from grandma but he decided to hand it down to me. Look out world, here comes the girl with a bad hair day.

"Which hurricane did you face on your way to school? "Peter inquired as soon as I went to sit with him at the cafeteria.

"I don't feel so good, "I told him as I rested my head on his shoulder. I haven't seen Macy or Nova the whole day and Peter was the only person I could hang out with. He had a very peaceful aura around him.

"After school let's head over Creamy House for some ice cream. "

"Creamy House, why haven't I heard about that place? "

"It opened recently and not everyone knows about it."

"Fine,"I replied and took a bite of my sandwich. Claire stopped at my table and rolled her eyes at me.

"Next time you come to my party don't make a freaking scene, "she warned and walked away. Party? Which party? Peter advised me not to pay attention on anything else but my sandwich. I headed for my Geography lesson and later I had an English lesson. At four o'clock, I met Peter at the parking lot and I entered his car. His playlist was peaceful since it had a lot of slow songs and classics. The Creamy House had a nice logo and the parking lot had a good number of cars, meaning people were starting to discover it. Peter led me in and found almost everyone there. August and his boys, Macy was also there, Nova was at the counter and the untouchables too. I glanced over at August and as soon as Andrew saw me,he signaled him. I hope he didn't tell anyone about my nightmare. August left his table and walked up to us.

"Hey, the guys and I had gone out with coach for a field trip. How are you doing? "

"Fine. "

"You two can join us if you want. "

"We're good. I'll be with Peter if you need me," I told August before we walked to our table. He ordered two bowls of ice cream, chocolate for him and vanilla for me. We talked about a lot of things and he told me about his childhood memories. Peter was a very fun person and had a very awesome personality. He was handsome in his own way and had quite a contagious laughter. "Umm, Peter, what was Claire referring to while we were at the cafeteria?"

"Nothing. I just gate crashed her party and got super drunk. Don't worry about it though, I had already apologized,"he explained and looked around. "It's funny how your brother is King of the school while you are pushed aside with the nerds and freaks. "

"Well, I don't mind at all. Life is easier when you are not being followed up by people. My sister, Bella, triple checks her outfit and wakes up two hours earlier to have enough time for her perfection process. "I remarked and Peter let out a hearty laugh.

"Really. "

"Yes. Sometimes I think I'm the normal one in the house,"I added and laughed with him. I don't know if I should tell Peter about my nightmares and how I suspect that everyone is hiding something from me.

Andrew's POV

"Someone wants to kill her? "

"Yes and after the party she has always been having the nightmares,"August answered. That's why Kassie didn't come to school for the past two days.

"Are you sure I can't talk to her about it? "

"Bad idea. She will be pissed if she knew that I told you guys so keep it low key,"he warned and i nodded. The dreams weren't supposed to come until her seventeenth birthday. Something might have happened,to trigger them. I need to consult with her, soon.

Peter Smith

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Peter Smith

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