8 - Nightmare

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Macy's POV

I picked up my books and walked to my locker. August came up to me and pulled me to the library. Everyone was gathered at a table and by everyone I mean Bella, Elle, Nova and Andrew.

"I know what you are all thinking. I've called you because of Kassie. Something happened to her yesterday night and she doesn't have her memory of yesterday. I need you all to act natural, don't bring out anything that took place yesterday or her mind will be confuse and it might mess her up. "

"Okay. But it's no big deal. I also don't remember some days and I'm good. "

"Look Bella, I don't want to argue with you. Kassie is our sister and we must help her in everything. Tomorrow everyone should act normal, okay? " August inquired and we all nodded. I love how he is so caring. What could have happened to Kassie that made her forget yesterday?

Katherine's POV

"Mother, what did you do to Kassie?"

"Nothing. "

"I thought we were not going to harm her."

"Boy, you are not going to hurt her but I am. Have you forgotten our agreement? I become the queen and I grant you your powers back. Don't let this cloud of love blind you from what we have planned our whole lives, "I explained to him and he reluctantly agreed. After he left, I summoned Marcus. "Keep a close eye on my son, I think he is slowly falling in love with the princess, "I instructed. I won't let my son ruin all of my plans.

Kassie's POV

"Hey,"Macy said as she walked in my room. My head was hurting and I felt generally weak.

"Hey, "I managed to say and hugged her back.

"How are you feeling?"


August walked into my room together with Andrew and Nova. Nova placed some roses on my study table and Andrew gave me a bar of chocolate.

"Hope you'll get better soon. I saved you the burden of looking for the right tiara for you. I decided to buy it, of course with some help from Macy," Andrew explained and handed a box to me. I opened it and smiled. It was beautiful.

"Thank you. This is so kind of you, "I commented and smiled at the tiara. The guys decided to tell me stories and we all laughed and had a good time. Around dinner time, everyone decided to leave and I remained with August. "You don't have a party to go to tonight? "

"I can skip that. I have to take care of my little sister, "he answered and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "You know, you are so much better than Bella."

"In what way?"

"You have a kind heart and you don't boast about your beauty. You are funny and caring. I guess this is why Andrew likes you."

"Andrew likes me?"

"Yes. I've said to much now. I should leave you so that you may get some sleep." He tucked me in and kissed my forehead. August was such a nice person and Macy was lucky to have him.

                *       *       *       *       *

I walked into the room and found a lady at the window, singing to her baby. She was wearing a tiara and had braided her hair. The door suddenly flung open and a lady with green eyes and red hair walked in. She was holding a large sword that was glowing. She sneaked up behind the lady and raised her sword. I tried to warn her but I couldn't speak. The baby started crying as the evil lady wore the tiara. She smiled at me and picked up the baby. She threw the sword at me and it left a huge cut across my left leg. I screamed out in pain and held my leg.

"Kassie, Kassie, wake up! "I was woken up by Mia's voice. August handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down. What is happening to me because I usually don't get nightmares. "I'm here, "she assured me when I started to cry.

"Someone wanted to kill me."

"Well I can see the reason why, "Bella bellowed and went to her room.

"Let her be. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"I'll be fine on my own, "I told her so that I wouldn't seem like a burden to everyone. I took deep breathes and after they left, I took out my diary to write.

Mia's POV

"Thank you for coming in such a short notice, " I thanked Maverick and gave him a cup of coffee.

"I can't believe Katherine tried to kill her. The green smoke did something that Peter couldn't undo, "he explained worriedly. "I'll go back to Utopia and think of something to help us protect her and to come with some remedy for her nightmares. "

"Thank you."

"Anytime. You should also try and get some sleep. Don't over think it, everything will be okay, "he said and gave me a hug.

August Henderson

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August Henderson

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