Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Where are you last night?" Ate asked.

"Ow hi Ate, is that your new way to say good morning?" I greeted and kissed her good morning.

"I am asking you Rosemarie, where are you last night?" she asked again.

"Do I have to tell you everything Ate? I'm no longer 14 years old. I know what I'm doing." I told her.

"I thought you're not that kid anymore, but you still act like you are." she told me.

"I dont have time to argue, I need to go. We'll be having presentation now and I need to be early." I step forward and about to leave when she spoke again.

"Are you with a guy Rosemarie?"

"What? I am not. I'm with my officemates had dinner and enjoy. Satisfied? Now if you dont mind, I have work to do." I excused myself but she didn't let me to leave.

"No, not yet Rosemarie. Listen to me and listen very carefully. I have raised you, I fed you, I gave you the life you have now. We'd been thru a lot together, to-ge-ther. Just you and me. You dont need anyone except ME. Understand?" she is now raising her voice.

"I know that, you dont have to shout. I do understand that you worked your ass out just for me to live." I told her.

"Well good. I'm just reminding you." she is now calm.

"No need for that Ate, I know what I am doing! But please listen to me too, and listen very carefully. I had planned everything. I put myself in all danger to take revenge for you and for the family. Cant you see that? If not, then let me tell you, you worked before and I thank you, but now I am working my ass while your enjoying. Is that fair enough?" that made her quiet for a second before she speak again.

"Yes it's fair. But Miss Rose, when will the two rem-"

"Just wait." I interrupted her. I didn't wait for her to answer. I walked out and left the house.

It's already 6am, I should not be late. I still have lots to do before the presentation. Dont get me wrong, I am not working for Clifford's sake, I am working for my family's sake. I need to be at the office before Clifford arrive. Because now is the right time.

"Good thing you're already here Rose." Clifford just arrived.

"Good morning sir, I need to double check your powerpoint presentation. We dont have space for errors." I smiled. "Here's the flash disk, you may check it too." I handed him the flash disk. "Coffee sir?"

"I had not mistaken to chose you among the other applicants. You are very efficient Rose. And coffee will be much appreciated." he showed me his smile but that smile wont last.

"Your coffee sir." I put the coffee on Cliffords' table. He's too busy that he didn't bother to face me when he said his thank you. "Is that all sir?" I asked him.

"Ah yeah, have you seen Peter? I haven't seen him late-" he stopped. "Men what am I doing? Ganito, later please ask his secretary about Peter's whereabouts ok?" he asked me.

"Uhm sir, Olivia informed me last Monday that if ever you looked for Sir Peter, I'll just tell you that his on leave." I answered.

"Leave? Since Monday? -That's why he's phone was off yesterday. But that's so unusual. He always answers his phone even if his on vacation or sick leave." he told me.

"Is that all sir?" I asked again.

No answer from Clifford who's now dialing his phone, he's maybe trying to call Peter again. Good luck.

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