visitation day | Yancy x Reader

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(A/N)— well quarantine has been wild huh? how many of y'all are only here cause you're bored and have nothing else to do lol? also mx. is the gender neutral version of ms. or mr. jus  so 

Well, it's the third sunday of the month, and that only means one thing. visitation day. i haven't  seen yancy since he'd broken me out of prison, and i've been aching to go say hello, catch up, anything really. i've missed him a lot, more than i care to admit. i've had the date circled on my calendar since i got home. it was the first thing i did. i didn't even bother to unpack before rushing over and grabbing a marker to write "visitation!" on the third sunday i saw.  

and now, today is the day. i've been excited to visit yancy for weeks now, but for some reason it's only now that my stomach fills up with butterflies. for a moment i debate with myself whether or  not to put on  a collared shirt or blouse or something, but then i decide against it and decide to just go casual. so i pull on one of my favorite hoodies and take the bus all the way to happy trails penitentiary.

the drive is long, but it's worth it, every second in the bus is a second closer to seeing yancy again. i just hope he doesn't mind me visiting. but why would he? he was the one that told me when visitation was...damn it. i'm just overthinking again. looking out the window, i fan see the tall barbed wire fences that give way to the prison, and my heart beats a little faster.

by the time i've gone through the metal detectors and the guards have given me the signal to go, my heart is like a jackhammer trying to break through my rib cage. as i'm led to the common room where prisoners sit and wait for their visitors, my eyes dart around for any sign of yancy.

i find none. i don't see him anywhere, even when i double and triple check the room. my heart starts to sink. did i miss him? does he not want to see me? why did i even come here in the first place?

noticing me standing around looking utterly lost, a guard walks over and taps me on the shoulder. 

"Excuse me, mx. can i help you with something?"

feeing relieved, i nod. "yes please. i'm looking for Yancy, but i can't seem to find him."

"yancy? huh, that's funny...he told me he wasn't expecting anyone today. i'll go and get him."

"thank you." i say as the guard walks off to one of the cell blocks.

i try to calm myself down with some deep breaths while i wait.

minutes feel like yours as i shuffle my feet and wait for the guard to come back. after what seems like an eternity, the guard finally returns with yancy in tow. i stand up a little straighter upon seeing him. when our eyes meet, yancy blinks a few times as if he doesn't believe what he's seeing. then his face splits into the happiest smile i've ever seen and he runs over to me, picking me up with no hesitation and bringing me into a huge hug.

"i-i can't believe it! youse actually came!!" he exclaims as he squeezes me harder.

"what...? yancy, of course i came. i missed you! i've been waiting for today for weeks!"

"awh...that's so sweet. youses actually the first one to come and visit me..."

"well, you can expect a lot more visits in the future 'cause i'm not gonna stop seeing you anytime soon."

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