Wilford Warfstache x Reader

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(A/N)--This is super short and i'm sorry about that but my writer's block is the worst and i just wanted to get something out, so...soulmate AU where you and your soulmate share dreams

(y/n)'s POV

My dream started off relatively normally. I was wandering the halls of a seemingly empty office building, just exploring. The setting was a bit unnerving, considering that there was this silence that seemed incredibly suspicious, you know, a calm before the storm type thing. so there i was, in this suffocatingly quiet building, when suddenly an "on air" sign appeared above one of the doors. given that it was the only movement i'd seen the whole time i was in that building, i stared at the sign for a few moments, then opened the door. 

what i did not expect to see was a huge studio with a man sitting at a desk, talking into a camera. he was the only one in the massive building, apart from me of course. He appeared to be hosting a news segment or a talk show of some sort, so i waited for him to stop talking before walking over to him.

"Excuse me...who are you?" 

He turns to face me and we make eye contact. immediately, i realize what's happening.

"No way...no way!"

The man gets a big goofy grin on his face, and i fall in love instantly. We run towards each other and meet in the middle, and he picks me up and twirls me around.

"You're even more gorgeous than i imagined..."

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