Dear (y/n) | Yancy x reader

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(A/N)- all grammar and spelling mistakes in yancy's letters are intentional.

(when i take the letter out of the envelope, the paper is a bit wrinkled at the edges, and clearly torn from a notebook. the handwriting is either rushed, messy, or both, but still legible. it looks to be written in a blue pen. probably almost out of ink, judging by how the color gets lighter and lighter towards the end.)

to my buddy-

I never written a letter before, but i thought i'd try cause i wanted to talk to you again. it was real fun hanging out, and i was a lil bummed when you said you wanted to go. anyway, how's the outside treating you? been anywhere cool? ...seen any good musicals? and how's that buddy of yours? mark? sorry that jimmy punched him through the wall. anyways, i gotta go now.


p.s.- what did you think of me and the gangs musical number? we'd been practicing it for a lil while, and when you new guys came in i figured we could perform for an audience.

p.p.s- i remembered that i don't know your name. oops. i guess we never got round to introductions n stuff.

(i smile, take out some paper of my own, and begin to write back.)


(the second letter is in a bit better condition, but it's still the same messy writing and slightly crinkled paper. but this time it looks like yancy found himself a new pen, a black one this time.)

Dear (y/n)-

thanks for writing back! (aw, he's put a doodle of a smiley face.) i didn't know if you'd answer but i'm sure glad you did. from what you said, the outside seems real different from how it was before i got myself in here. and thanks for the musical recommendations! ima have to ask the warden for tv privileges later so i can watch em. and i'm glad to hear mark's okay. jimmy says he ain't sorry about it, but that ain't surprising cause he punches people through walls a lot. it's why we have so many extra bricks on standby.

Hank got out on parole recently. nobody made hooch wine like ol Hank did, but he was happy to get out. said he was lookin forward to seeing his kiddos again. i guess he's a family time like you are. i also found out that he used to be a bartender, so that explains why his wine was so top notch even though he was makin it in a toilet.

i'm also glad to hear you liked our song. i still think it needs a lil polishing but it wasn't bad for our first performance i think. we even got the warden to get us top hats for it! 

p.s.- you don't need to apologize for beatin me up! i started it anyways.

-your buddy, Yancy.


Dear (y/n)-

it was a real bite to hear you can't come over for visitation. it's probably a smart choice though cause the warden's real mad bout you being gone. well, he keeps going ape talkin about wanting to catch 'that handsome and/or beautiful scoundrel' or somethin so i'm pretty sure he means you.

we got to play with some dogs a while ago! it was a blast! i guess the prison started it to make us responsible or somethin like that? anyways, i don't care why they did it, cause as long as i can hang out with cute dogs i'm happy. what's your favorite kind of dog? i like the ones with the big floppy ears that howl a lot.

-your friend, Yancy.


(this letter is the nicest looking one so far. there seems to have been some effort put into making the letters a bit neater. this time, it's written in slightly smudged pencil.)

dear (y/n)-

i got in a fight. i've been in solitary for a while so i'm sorry i haven't sent you anything. we aren't allowed to have 'non essential items' in there cause then it wouldn't be as much of a punishment. they still give you your mail though so i saw your letter back. and i looked up the kind of dog you said was your favorite. i think they're real cute! i also found out that the dog i told you about is called a basset hound. i wish i could live with a dog instead of just having them visit every couple weeks.

according to the warden i can get parole  in a couple months. last time we talked in person i said if it came up i'd try it out, but now i'm not so sure. i've been here a real long time so what if i forgot how to do stuff out there? 

visitation's coming up. maybe if you wore a disguise or somethin you could come? it's worth a try. right?

-your friend, Yancy.


Dear (y/n)-

i gotta admit i was on cloud 9 all day after you came to visitation last week. it was nice to talk in person again. you're even more handsome and/or beautiful than i remembered!! even though you had to cover up an stuff so that no one would recognize you and throw you in here again.

i decided that i'm gonna try for parole. it's gonna be tough but i think if i really try i can do it. can you pick me up if i get out?

anyways, i gotta say something and i was too nervous to at visitation so here goes. i was thinkin the other day and i guess i realized how swell you are. i mean, you're real nice to me and you've been writing me back an stuff. plus you came to visitation just for me! so anyway, i think what i wanna say here is that i like you a whole bunch. i mean, you're real great so of course i like you, but i'm talkin like like. if you don't feel the same that's okay and we can forget about it but i still wanted you to know.



heya sweetheart-

can i call you my sweetheart? don't get me wrong, (y/n) is a real nice name and all but i wanted to call you somethin cute too. 

anyway, i'm glad you feel the same about me, cause it would've been real awkward if you hadn't. and again, i'm real sorry for not writing. tryin to get parole is exhausting. i've never had to be in court this long before. it's gonna be worth it though course then i'll be able to see you every day. i really can't say thanks enough for letting me stay at your place and offering to pick me up when i get outta here.

the gangs kinda sad about me leaving cause we're pals and all, but i promised i'd visit. they're glad i got a reason to get outta here too. and i gotta say i've been looking forward to finally giving you a big ol hug. maybe a couple smooches too. you're so handsome and/or beautiful that i probably won't be able to resist kissin you.

what should we do first when you pick me up? we could go to a pet store to look at all the dogs or something. maybe we could go to a diner? i haven't had a good burger and shake in ages so it would be nice. it can be our first date! or maybe we can just drive around for a while or find a nice spot to park and just talk. that's what they do in the movies sometimes. or if you want we can just go and relax at your place. if there's one thing i missed from outside, it's laying on the couch in comfy pajamas. and then we could watch a flick and cuddle! if you want, that is.

but don't worry about deciding what to do too much. no matter what we do once i get out it's gonna make me happy. cause you'll be there.

see you soon, sweetheart.

-yours, Yancy.

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