Alone | The Host x Child! Reader (part 1)

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Third person POV

When he wakes up, the first thing he notices is that he doesn't know who exactly he is. a few disjointed memories surface, but not enough to tell him where or who he is. a metal baseball bat, an old TV, and...a book. yes, he remembers a book very clearly, and he knows it's important, though he isn't sure why. he remembers a name too. The Author. he knows it is his name...or it used to be. it doesn't quite feel right. In fact, it leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He thinks for a moment.

The host? yes, that sounds good. his name is the host. 

the second thing he notices is that he's laying on something hard and cold. probably concrete, he thinks. he gets up and looks around to find out where he was, but, strangely, he can't see anything. he brings his hands up to his face. only then does he realize that his eyes are covered with a bandage. of course, all he needs to do is remove it and he'll be able to figure out what's going on. he feels around, finding a knot and undoing it, letting it fall to the ground. 

he still can't see anything.

another memory comes back to him. a dark warehouse that smells of blood and smoke. someone standing over him, holding a rusty screwdriver. white hot pain that seems to fill his whole skull, and then nothing. he takes a shaky breath.

"The Host tries to calm himself and looks for somewhere to stay. since he obviously cannot go to a hotel, seeing as he has no money, he decides to sleep outside..."

With that, he's off, sticking to the shadows so as to avoid people, since they would almost certainly be frightened at the sight of him, what with the empty eye sockets and all. luckily for him, it's dark and there aren't very many people out, so he isn't spotted.

he makes his way to the middle of the city, looking around for somewhere comfortable to spend the night. he eventually comes across an alley.

"at least it's dry,he thinks to himself as he sits down. he takes off his trenchcoat to use as a blanket, and tries to fall asleep. just as he's getting comfortable, he hears a small noise behind him.

(y/n)'s POV

i walk back to the alleyway that i call my home with a shopping bag in my hand. a nice man gave me 20 dollars a while ago, so i bought some food and water from a gas station, enough to last me a few days. just as i enter the alley, i notice a dark shape laying down in the corner. i freeze up for a second before putting my bag down and raising my fists, preparing for a fight.

"Who's there?"

the shape makes a confused noise and sits up, looking around before staring at me. it's then that i realize that the shape is a man. he's tall, wearing a bloodstained trenchcoat with a blindfold over his eyes, which was also covered in blood. my breath hitches, but i stand my ground. the man gets up and slowly walks over to me. 

"The Host introduces himself to the child. he's trying to be nonthreatening, as he's almost certainly startled them with his appearance. He explains that he was just looking for a place to sleep, and that he has no intention of harming the child. he then advises them to get home before it gets too dark."

"This is my home."

"The Host quietly asks how long the child has lived here."

"...About two months."

The man's face becomes unreadable. he steps back and says, "The Host tells the child that he is very sorry to hear about their situation, and he'll leave them alone if they wish..."

"no, it's okay. you can sleep here tonight. And my name is (y/n), by the way."

"thank you, (y/n)."

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