Easter fools day | all Septiceyes x reader

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(A/N)-- since some people don't believe me, easter can and has fallen on april 1st before. it did in 2018 when this fic was written. here's an article-  https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/joke-easter-falls-april-for-the-first-time-since-1956/imsbmqqbm5V6E5inFd9aKO/

(y/n)'s POV

My alarm wakes me up at four in the morning, just like it's supposed to. i grin as i shut off the alarm and change into new clothes. today is really special, because it's Easter, but also April fool's day. so naturally, being the crazy person i am, i decided last night that i would wreck everyone with Easter themed pranks. 

i grab my backpack of supplies and set off to work. i start off by letting sam out of his tank. that's tradition, i do it every year. but this time, i put some mini bunny ears i found on the floating eye. sam looks happy about his new outfit, and i pet him. 

"alright bud, ready to set up some awesome pranks?" 

sam nods and i walk to anti's room. i take out some duct tape with an Easter egg pattern that i bought just for today. i make a grid pattern on his door, with spaces just big enough for someone's hand to fit through. sam goes into the room and starts messing up anti's stuff. for a final touch, i hand the eye a marker and he leaves a note for the demon. 

"courtesy of (y/n) and sam." 

we do the same to everyone else, and by the time sam and i are finished, it's almost time for the other egos to wake up, so i go into the kitchen and make breakfast for everybody. eggs, obviously. when i've finished putting the food on plates, i hear a glitchy yell from upstairs. looks like anti fell into my trap. the demon runs downstairs, trying to get the tape off of him. 

"(y/n), i swear to god! you do this every year!" 

i laugh. "yeah, and every year you fall for it." i say as i help anti take off the tape. 

just then, i hear dr. schneeplestien. "what is gong on? i heard someone-schieße!" Anti runs upstairs to record everything that's about to happen on his phone. 

the events that follow are a series of frantic yelps and different egos running down the stairs for me to help them peel tape off different parts of their bodies. we all have a good laugh about it and i give the egos their breakfast to make up for the prank.

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