ice cream | Darkiplier x reader

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(A/N)-- if you can't tell, the story is gonna be based on that picture up there.

NOTE: Happy (late) birthday Mark! 

ANOTHER NOTE: (i/f)=ice cream flavor

(y/n)'s POV

i'm just about to sit down and watch some tv when i get a call. i sit up and look around for my phone, answering it on the third ring. "hey wil, what's up?" i ask. i hear a scoff, and then the familiar slurred voice from the speaker.

"what's up? i'll tell you what's up! dark just said that he's never eaten ice cream before!"

"how is that even possible? everyone's tried ice cream!"

"i know, that's what i said!"

"so he's never had ice cream. what do you want me to do about it?"

"isn't it obvious?"

"no, not exactly."

"bring all the ice cream you have and come to our house!"


"(y/n), are you just gonna let dark never experience the joy of ice cream, or are you gonna do something about it?"

"fine. i'll be over in ten minutes."

i hang up. i know i could've said no, but will would've annoyed me into doing it anyway. sighing, i walk over to the freezer, and like wil said, i dump all the ice cream i have into a plastic bag and start the drive to raspy hill.

~time skip~

when i get to the house, i can see wil jumping up and down on the porch in anticipation. as soon as i stop the car, he runs up and i open the door. "ya got it?" he asks like an excited little kid. i grab the bag and hand it to him. he looks inside then stares down at me, confused. "W-why do you need so much ice cream?" he asks. "shut up, you don't know my life." i retort.

i follow wilford into the house, and we set all the ice cream down on the table. then the two of us sprint into dark's office. the monochrome man turns to us and huffs exasperatedly. "ugh, it's you again. and i see you've brought an accomplice." he says to wil. without a word, wil grabs dark's arm and drags him to the table.

 "jesus wil, did you buy all this?" 

"obviously not! (y/n) brought it over from their house!"

"why did you let him talk you into that?" he asks me. i just shrug, and dark facepalms, preparing to go back to his office. wil steps in front of him. "we aren't letting you leave until you try this ice cream, dammit!" he states adamantly. 

dark rolls his eyes and sits down with a plop. wil slides a spoon over to dark, along with a pint of (i/f). he pokes it with the spoon a few times, and then puts it in his mouth reluctantly. his eyes widen like he just discovered the secret of the universe, and he shovels the rest into his mouth at a alarming rate. he finishes it in two minutes flat, then clears his throat and wipes his mouth like nothing happened. " any more?" 

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