Together | The Host x Child! Reader | Part 4 (End)

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(A/N)--PLEASE REREAD CH. 3 BEFORE READING THIS!!! i made some changes to it and this chapter will seem weird if you haven't seen them!! also this is my 69th chapter ;)

(y/n)'s POV

I take one last look around my alleyway, my home for the past year. Of course, it hasn't been very homey since Host left. The only thing i have to remember him by is his trenchcoat, which i've been wearing every single day since he left. today though, i'm ready to go. i've been saving money for weeks (and maybe stealing a bit) to be able to afford a backpack and about two week's worth of food. 

i know trying to find Host is a long shot, but i can't just move on and forget about the man who was basically my dad. it only took a few seconds after he left for me to decide that i would look for him, and today i finally can. my bag is packed full of food, water, and blankets. i wish i could fit more, but i have everything i need for my journey, and that's enough. i hoist my backpack onto my shoulders and set off.


I knew that there was no way that Dark would be able to live in the city without being noticed, so i decided to check all of the nearby forests. when i found nothing there, i hitchhiked farther and farther away from the city, until all i could see were trees.

somehow, my gut seems to be guiding me deeper and deeper into the forest. the trees grow taller the further in i go, until i can't even see the sky. It's almost completely silent apart from the rustling of leaves as birds and squirrels move about. now that the sun is blocked by the trees, it feels colder, so i button up The Host's coat and hug myself to conserve warmth.

suddenly, i feel a sort of tug, like something in my heart wants me to start running. So that's what I do. I look around a momentarily before picking a direction and bolting. For some reason, that feeling gets stronger the more I run, so I keep going, even when my feet start to hurt and my breathing gets heavy. When it feels like I can barely run anymore, I see a clearing up ahead, and a new burst of energy lets me keep going. I push branches aside, not caring if my legs get cut by thorns, and then I emerge from the forest, only to be met with the sight of the biggest mansion I've ever seen. That feeling I had before is now at the strongest it's ever been. This must be the place. 

I walk towards the mansion slowly, trying to spot an entrance, but all I see are windows and no doors. When I look inside, I see mostly empty bedrooms, except for a few that have sleeping people in them. I don't want to wake anybody up, so I don't knock on the windows. Instead, I make my way around the house until I see two guys playing basketball on a small court.

I watch them for a while. From what j can gather, they seem nice enough, so I gather up my courage and walk over. 

"Oh, Bing, look..." The one who sees me first says. His friend turns around and raises his eyebrows. 


"Hi...Can you guys help me? I'm looking for someone."

"I think we can do that. What's your name, little dude?"


The two guys both look at each other. "No way. No fucking way." 

"But how did they even get here?"

"I don't-"

"Excuse me, but what the heck are you talking about?" I interrupt.

"Well, you...I don't really know how to explain it, actually. Come on, let's just go find The Host. He's the one you're looking for, right?"

"Wh- How did you know that?"

"You're the only thing he's been talking about since he got here, dude. We kind of assumed."

one of the men holds his hand out to me. i take it and we start walking.

"so what are your names?"

"i'm Oliver, and this is my boyfriend, Bing."

we reach the house not too long after that. Bing and Oliver lead me down a hallway, but we're stopped by Dark. just my luck. he glances at the two other men for a moment before noticing me. 

"Bing. How is this child here."

"I dunno, they just...came out of the forest and walked up to us."

"But that's impossible. The house only appears to those who belong here."

"I don't think that's it, sir. i think it's that i belong with The Host, and he's here, so...i'm here too."

Dark scowls and lets out a grumble. "Fine. at least if you're here he'll stop it with the damn complaining. he's in his library, it's the door at the end of the hall."

i turn around and sprint down the hall, practically ramming into the big wooden doors at the end. The library is the biggest i've ever seen in my life, but i barely have any time to look at it, instead darting around frantically trying to find The Host. then, i finally spot him sitting in a big leather chair in a corner. i call his name and he looks over just in time to catch me as i jump up and wrap my arms around him. 


"i've been looking for you for weeks, Host! i'm s-so glad i found you again..."

"But..The Host doesn't understand. How is (y/n) here? they aren't an iplier, they shouldn't be able to-"

"you're right. i'm not an iplier, but you are."

The Host is silent. he just pulls me closer to himself and takes a few shaky breaths. in all the time i've known him, this is the closest he's ever been to crying. i bury my face in his shoulder and we just sit there. After a while, i pull away and start to take off Host's trenchcoat so i can give it back, but then he stops me by putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"(y/n) can keep the coat. The Host has something much better now."

With that, i snuggle close to The Host again, and at this moment, nothing in the world could persuade me to let him go. 

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