King Of The Squirrels x Reader

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Sorry y'all it's gonna be another short one bc writer's block is kicking my ass

(y/n)'s POV

It was a cold winter afternoon, and the wind felt like hundreds of icy needles prickling my face. there was just enough snow on the ground for it to just barely cover the tops of my boots. the leaves had all fallen from the trees, making them look like skeletons. everything seemed grey, but I didn't mind in the slightest. i liked the snow, and i wanted to be out of the house, anyway.

amongst the pure sparkling white, i caught a flash of black next to a bush. whatever it was appeared to be struggling to move, so i jogged over to check it out. i knelt down to better see the thing in the bush, which turned out to be a squirrel with fur that seemed to be blacker than shadow. The poor thing was caught in the bush, the gaps between the twigs too small for it to squeeze through. It frantically tried to push the twigs out of the way, but it wasn't strong enough and just ended up getting more stuck.

the squirrel looked scared out of its mind stuck in that bush and its chittering grew more and more frantic as it kept trying to escape. i debated with myself for a moment before using one hand to move the branches of the bush aside and using the other to gently grasp the squirrel. it chittered as i carefully removed it from the bush, and i cradled it to my chest to try and calm it down.

"Hey, it's alright buddy. i'm just gonna check and see if you're hurt anywhere, okay?"

strangely, the squirrel seemed to understand every word i said, and it sat still so that i could look it over. it had a few scratches from the branches, and they didn't look too serious, so i nodded once and set it on the ground. to my surprise, it didn't run off, instead opting to climb up my leg and perch itself on my shoulder.

"well, I guess it couldn't hurt to hang out with you for a while." i chuckled as i scratched the squirrel on the head and kept walking. 


"Ramjep! Ramjep, where'd you go?" I heard a panicked voice yell. I looked around the forest to find the source, spotting a person off in the distance. the squirrel on my shoulder perked up hearing the voice, and i jogged towards it.

a man dressed in a red velvet cape and a golden crown was darting around, looking up in the trees and appearing to get more and more frantic as time went on. "C'mon Ramjep, if you're pranking me it isn't funny!" he sounded close to tears, so i walked a bit closer and waved at him to get his attention. 

"Uh...hey dude, are you good?"

he whipped his head around to look at me. "o-oh! i didn't realize there was anyone else t-this far in the, I'm looking for m-my-" he trailed off once he saw the squirrel on my shoulder, then broke into a bright smile.

"Ramjep!" he ran over to me and put his hand out. the squirrel hopped on and he immediately started fretting over it.

"Where on earth were you? I was worried sick! with how cold it is out here i was starting to think that you'd frozen!" the squirrel chittered to him and he frowned.

"I don't care if you have fur, you were still- wait, stuck? what do you mean stuck?"

i was insanely confused about the fact that he seemed to be holding a conversation with an animal, but i didn't have time to unpack all of that, so i piped up. "i found him caught in a bush and i helped him get out of it. i let him go after i made sure he was okay, but he wanted to stay with me so...yeah."

He jumped, seemingly forgetting that i was standing there, but he grinned at me nonetheless. "T-Thank you so much for finding him! i'm so glad it was you and not some...some hunter o-or a coyote or something."

"it was no problem. i just wanted to help, y'know?"

"Still, i'm really grateful...oh, gosh, i just realized i don't even know your name!"

"i'm (y/n), nice to meet you."

he bowed with a flourish, then took my hand. "King Of The Squirrels, at your service. but you can just call me King."

(A/N)-- Ramjep means midnight in Klingon.

ipliers and septiceyes x reader  [REQUESTS OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now