How strange... | Wilford Warfstache x Tiny! Reader (Part 1)

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(A/N)-- that's right boi, your friendly neighborhood author is trying their hand at some G/T.

(y/n)'s POV

So...I'm not really sure how to explain this, but I'll try my best. Basically, there are these people. They don't really have a name but everyone calls them tinies. You can probably guess why, but i'll tell you anyway. it's because they're only about 3 inches tall. sure, it sounds kind of cool, but you wouldn't think so if you had to avoid getting trampled to death or caught by a human every single day. you're probably wondering how i know all this, huh? well, it's because i'm a tiny. 

~in the present~

i've been staying in this house for a while now. it's a pretty nice place, but it's kinda loud on account of the fact that about 14 people live here. it's not like i can complain. there's a lot of food laying around and nobody is ever out at night, so i can survive pretty easily. 

on this particular night, it's raining hard, which is good because i don't have to worry about being quiet, as the noise drowns out any sounds i make. When everyone is in bed, i sneak out of my hole in the wall and run to the cupboards, where most of the food is stored.

luckily for me, there's a box of crackers on the counter, so i don't even have to pry the cupboard open like i normally do. i carefully climb into the box and start to eat until i can barely move. when i'm finally full, i climb out of the box and plop onto the counter, only to come face-to-face with a man.

"Wilford, old boy, you've finally lost it..." he mutters to himself. 

before he can do anything else, i take off running in the other direction. it only takes a few seconds for the man to snap out of his confusion and try to catch me. in my panicked frenzy to escape, i don't see his hand coming down in front of me until it's too late.

i run into the hand full speed and fall down, jarred from the impact. one moment i'm on my back staring at the ceiling, the next i'm being picked up by the back of my shirt and getting raised off the ground so that i'm at the man's eye level.

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