Home for the holidays | Iplier Egos x child! reader (part 1)

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(A/N)-- Oh look, another cliche adoption story (sorry not sorry). also, this chapter is just gonna be about you meeting all the egos. also, there's a new markiplier ego called Eric Derekson, so he's gonna be in this.

December 5th.

(y/n)'s POV

The second Mrs. Morgan, the caretaker at the adoption agency, walks into the dining room, i know she has some news.

"Okay kids, listen up!" she says. at the sound of her voice, everyone stops what they're doing and looks at her. 

"Me and a few other people decided to have a meet and greet of sorts today. basically what that means is that a bunch of grownups are coming here in a few hours to meet you and hopefully adopt. judging by the number of people coming, i think it's safe to say that we'll probably find homes for all of you by tonight."

everyone is freaking out. left and right, kids are running around, packing bags, and saying goodbye to friends. i think it's a little silly, especially since there's no sure way to know if we're getting adopted or not, but i still hope i can find a family. 

Time skip to the meet and greet cuz i'm a lazy fuck

The house is so crowded, you can barely walk without bumping into someone. i'm just sitting here waiting for someone to talk to me, but so far I've barely even been spared a second glance. it's at that moment that i notice a man in sunglasses and a tanktop. he's looking almost as uncomfortable as me. gathering up my courage, i walk over to him. 

"hi...." i say softly.

He looks down at me, seemingly surprised that i talked to him.

"Hey little dude! How's it hanging?"

"um...i'm good i guess. a little nervous."

"you don't have anything to be scared of..."

Timeskip because i'm still lazy yeet

I told the guy that i was worried about not finding a family, and he immediately picked me up and took me to the office to get my adoption papers signed. i learned that he's called bing. he's a robot. yeah, it's weird, but i can't complain. he's giving me a home, after all. i'm in the car right now, looking out the window as we drive to...my house, i guess? can i call it that?

"oh my god. i totally forgot to tell you about the others."


"heh, yeah...i kinda didn't mention the fact that i...live in a huge mansion with like...a LOT of other people and a demon dog."

"W-what? i can barely handle 3 people at the same time..."

"they're nice, i promise! well, mostly...they kind of don't know about you yet."

"that's even worse!"

When we get to the house, i'm even more scared than i originally was. i walk behind bing trying to make myself as small as possible. he takes out a key and unlocks the door.

"You wait here. i'll get the others, ok?" 

i nod and stand in the middle of the room, shifting nervously as i watch everyone walk in. thankfully, it's only a few people. bing comes in last, and he stands at the front of the room.

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