Cold | Jims x Reader

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(A/N)--I made that meme. Also underlined text = jim1, italics = jim2, and both underlined and italics means both Jims are speaking.

(y/n)'s POV

as soon as i leave my bedroom, i'm met with yelling from every single member of the iplier household. of course, some arguing is to be expected in a house with this many people, but this is a full on screaming match. the worst part is that this kind of thing happens all the time. in the two weeks that i've lived here, i've had to break up at least three arguments a day. sighing, i grab a cup of coffee and walk over to ed, who is standing in the corner and trying to avoid the chaos.

"So what did they do this time?"

"...'t be honest, i don't fuckin' know. i think it's somethin' about who gets to take Yan, Eric, and Randall to th' movies, but i ain't sure. then again, these guys have so many damn arguments i can't keep 'em straight in my head." 

i nod. "i know what you mean, dude. i'm gonna take a walk to get away from all this shit. wanna come?"

"nah, i got work anyway. thanks fer offerin' though."

"see you guys later, then." 

with that, i grab my hoodie and head out.

🌸🌸time skip🌸🌸

i've been in this forest for three hours. of course my dumb ass forgot to bring my phone, so there's no way i can call anyone. even worse, it's started to snow. a lot. so basically i'm freezing my ass off, home is nowhere in sight, and i've got no way to get help. just my fucking luck. even if i left tracks, there's no way to trace them because of all this snow. 

i cross my arms and pull them to my chest, trying to conserve what little warmth i have from my hoodie. it seems like i've been walking forever, and i still can't see any sign of home. i haven't even seen any of king's squirrels, which means he probably has them on the couch, wrapped in his cloak. he always does that, it's actually kind of adorable. i smile to myself as i walk along.

I look up and realize that the sun is high in the sky, which must mean that it's about noon. Just fabulous. I've wated almost half a day walking around in these woods, all because I didn't want to listen to an argument. needing to calm down, I sit on a log to think for a bit.

Not a minute after I'm comfortable, I hear someone yelling, and then the sound of running. I turn around and I'm met with the sight of the Jims barreling towards me.

"new Jim! Thank goodness we found you!"

"Cowboy Jim said that you went into the woods so we all had to look for you because you hadn't come back and nervous Jim said that you might be in trouble..."

Out of nowhere, they sandwich me between them in a hug.

"We were so worried..."

I laugh a little and say, "d-don't worry guys, I'm f-fine, I promise."

"No you're not! It's 20 degrees out and all you have on is a hoodie!" 

One of the Jims grabs my hands and let's out a small gasp.

"Jim is right! Your hands are freezing! Come on, new Jim, we're taking you home right now and warming you up!"

"Y-you guys know the way home?"

"Of course! A Jim always knows how to find home!"

Within thirty minutes, the Jims and I are back at the doors of Iplier manor. I breathe a sigh of relief and open the door. 

"Now we need to get you warm..."

"Jim, new Jim! Sit on the couch! I have a plan!"

Jim and I do as we're told and sit next to each other on the couch. The other Jim immediately busies himself with gathering up all the blankets he can get his hands on. Once he has them all, he waddles over to Jim and I and starts wrapping me up in a blanket burrito. I'm a little confused, but I'm not questioning it. 

When Jim is done with the blankets, he sits on the other side of me and cuddles into my side. His brother catches on to what he's doing and does the same.

"There! With the blankets and us helping you to get warm, you'll be nice and toasty in no time!" He says, closing his eyes with a smile.

I blush a bit as the warmth slowly comes back to me. I'm about to thank them when I realize that they've both fallen asleep. Looks like I'll be stuck here for a while. Not that I'm complaining. 

ipliers and septiceyes x reader  [REQUESTS OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now