Freaks | all ipliers and septiceyes x reader

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your POV

"(y/n), what in God's name are you doing?" my father yells. 

This could not have been a worse time for him to walk into my room. For one thing, i'm surrounded by volatile chemicals, and for another thing, my blueprints scattered all over the table. Father shakes his head and eyes all my stuff. 

"You need to stop with these science experiments. I've told you hundreds of times to leave this kind of work to people who know what they're talking about! Why can't you be more like your siblings? They're so well behaved.

I scowl and walk up to him. "And I have told you hundreds of times; I know what I'm doing! You just don't like the fact that I don't want to be all proper and go to parties like all those other brainless idiots!" 

ignoring me like usual, father looks at the various machines I have in the room. "You will not continue this nonsense as long as you live in my house!"

 I nod and begin to gather my things. "Fine, then I guess I'm moving out. Now." 

Father scoffs and stalks out of the room. If he thinks I'm not going through with it, he's sadly mistaken. The first thing I do is take all the money I've saved up and put it in my checkbook. Then, I pack up all of my stuff into a briefcase and head out into the city. As I walk through the alleyways I look for any apartments for rent, but I can't seem to find any, so I decide to risk it and head out into the countryside. I walk for a few hours along the side of a dirt road. the fields stretch for miles, and it's getting pretty dark. I'm about to stop and set up camp, but then I notice a small white light far off somewhere.

~Start song here~

After walking for a couple of miles, I find that the glow isn't from a house, but rather from two huge searchlights. I look farther ahead and see a gigantic red and white big-top tent contrasting against the black sky. Cautiously, I walk up and blend into the shadows. I don't see anyone around, but it's better to be safe. I try to be as quiet as possible when I walk up to the flap that opens up the tent. I peek in and am immediately astounded. 

There's a ring in the middle of everything, and it's surrounded by benches on all sides. I look up to see a man wearing some kind of red suit swinging from a tightrope. Two guys that look exactly alike are doing some kind of balancing act on 20 foot high platforms. On the ground, another man wearing all black twitches his hand. He disappears for a second and then reappears with a knife, which he throws at a target. A guy wearing a crown is running laps around the ring, and he's being followed by several squirrels. A man wearing a cloth over his eyes is reading, and someone in a cat mask is making a few metal balls levitate. various other people are running around and doing their own thing. I guess that in my amazement, I lean a little too far into the room, because suddenly, a guy with a cotton-candy pink mustache pops up in front of me. 

"excuse me, but who might you be?" I jump and try to regain composure. 

"o-oh, I'm (y/n)."

 the man nods intently and stares at me for a few seconds. 

"so, what can you do?" he asks, folding his hands expectantly. 

i blink a couple of times. "um, what do you mean by that sir?" 

the man steps back in surprise. 

"you mean you aren't here for auditions?"

" what would i be auditioning for?"

"this, my good friend, is the circus!" he says, gesturing wildly at everything.

 i give the man a sly grin. "well, i guess i could audition for you guys." i say. 


i'm sitting in a small room waiting for my cue. the mustached man steps up onto a makeshift stage and claps his hands to gather the attention of all the people. they gather around him and he clears his throat. 

"may i have your attention please? i know it's late, but someone finally showed up to audition! so, please welcome (y/n)!"

 there's some polite applause, and when it goes silent, i grab my briefcase and step onto the stage . i put my stuff down on a small table. i grab a metal bucket nearby and fill it about a quarter of the way with oil. then, i take out a coil of wire and wrap it around the handle of the bucket and take the rest of it offstage. i turn to a glowy looking man wearing all grey. 

"what's your favorite color?" I ask him. 

he looks confused, but answers anyway. "'s red." he says.

 i nod and trot over to my briefcase, and take a vial of lithium from it. i put it around the rim of the bucket and snicker mischievously. then i go over to the wire and send a small shock of electricity through it. the shock travels along the wire and into the bucket, which ignites the oil and causes a 7 foot fireball to billow out of the small bucket. the lithium then reacts with the fire and turns it a brilliant ruby color. 

"the host thinks he can speak for everyone when he says, 'you're in.'"

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