気づいた | Yandereplier x reader

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(y/n)'s POV

i put on my favorite sweater and walk out of my room. just as i open the door, i see jason, my brother, running full speed down the stairs yelling, "NEW SCHOOL! NEW SCHOOL!" of course, it's just like him to be super excited to meet total strangers. our family just moved to a different state, so (obviously) we had to switch schools. since jason is only 8, it'll be easy for him to make friends, but it won't be that simple for me. how in the ever loving fuck is a high schooler supposed to find a friend group in the middle of the year? answer: it's impossible. i sigh deeply and pack my bag as jason runs down the driveway to catch his bus. since my high school is only a few blocks away, i decide to ride my bike. 

--when you get there--

the school looms above me, and i walk in. it seems like my old school, which is good. there are some boys in bro-tanks horsing around by the doors, a few girls playing video games in the corner, and groups of people heading for their next class. looking around, i notice that everyone has somebody to walk with. i sigh and head to my locker, putting all of my stuff in it and heading for chemistry, my first class of the day. the teacher sees me walk in and waves me over to her desk. "hey, you're (y/n), right?" she asks i nod and she claps her hands to get everyone else's attention. "listen up everyone! this is (y/n). they're new here, so say hi." there are mumbled greetings through the room and the teacher leans over to me. "there's an open seat there." she says while gesturing to the very back of the classroom. i walk to the chair and sit down. i decide to check out the two people next to me. the first, to my right, is a girl who looks to be wearing about a pound of makeup typing away on her phone. not the kind of person i'd want to talk to. i turn to my left. a boy with blood red hair and a skirt. alright then. "hey, i'm (y/n), but you already knew that." i say. he looks up, seemingly surprised that i decided to talk to him, and then grins. "my name's yandereplier, you can call me yan!" he says, excited.

~~later, at lunchtime~~

yan and i spent our free time after classes talking, and he invited me to sit at his table, which i was thankful for. when i get to the cafeteria, he isn't exactly hard to spot, seeing as he's the only person sitting alone. i don't mind that though, despite all the weird looks i get when i plop down in the seat next to him. "heya yan!" i exclaim. he waves in response, but it seems like he isn't paying attention to what i'm saying. in fact, it seems like h'es staring off into the distance. "what'cha lookin' at?" i ask him. he sighs wistfully and points to a boy on the other side of the cafeteria. "he's my senpai, but i don't know how to confess to him." yan says sadly. "have you ever even talked to him?" i say, joking. yan shakes his head. "i-i'm too nervous." he confesses. "well, then i'll help you." yan perks up excitedly and hugs me out of nowhere. "really? oh my god, thank you!"

3rd person POV

yandere and (y/n) spent the next few weeks trying to get senpai to notice yan, but their efforts were seemingly useless, as he never seemed to notice yan's advances. the pair never stopped trying though, until one afternoon in late december, when yan's senpai got a girlfriend. needless to say, yan was absolutley crushed. (y/n) went to their table that day to see their best friend with his head in his hands, holding back tears.

(y/n)'s POV

"yan, what's wrong?" i ask carefully. the red haired man simply gestures to the other side of the room. i don't notice anything at first, but then i see his senpai laughing with a girl and the realization hits me. "oh yan, i'm so sorry." i say, feeling bad for him. he simply sniffles in response. i decide that it's probably best not to make him say anything, so i stay silent. we sit there the whole lunch period, and i turn to yan and put my arm around his shoulders. "hey, wanna come to my place tonight and watch a movie?" i ask, hoping to cheer him up. he smiles slightly through the tears. "y-yeah, i'd like that.

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