Pencil marks | Ipliers x Artist! reader

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(y/n)'s POV

"Wilford, stop! you can't see it!" i yell at the mustached man as he tries to grab my sketchbook from my hands. i don't know what it is, but all the egos seem to be curious about my drawings. Wilford is a little too curious sometimes though. i even caught him trying to pick the lock on my room with light once. and that's why i try to keep my sketches close by me at all times. 

"c'mon (y/n)! just a small look won't hurt!" i cross my arms, annoyed. 

"for the last time, you can't see them." 

Wilford pouts and stomps out of the room like an angry kid. i sigh an sit on the couch. soon the Jims walk in with a camera. 

"look Jim, it's (y/n)! maybe they'll let our viewers see what they have in that mysterious paper-filled rectangle!

i look over to the boys. "my answer won't change just because i'm on camera." i say. 

the jims give up and go into the kitchen to film the contents of the refrigerator. i walk to my room so as to avoid any more annoyances. i lay down on my bed and start to sketch an owl, just to pass the time. after a few hours, Bing knocks on the door. 

"yo dude! wanna catch that late-night horror marathon at the theater? all the others aren't man enough."

normally i don't want to go out, but if popcorn and candy are involved i'll do pretty much anything. i roll onto the floor and grab the first sweater i see. i nod to Bing and we head out for our walk to the theater. after four straight hours of being scared shitless and several large drinks, we head back to iplier manor. bing sprints off to some random room, and i head back up to my room. i hear muffled voices from the other side. i throw open the door to see literally all the egos crowded around my sketchbook. even dark is trying to look at my drawings. 

"guys! put that down now!" google, who was holding the book, throws it at the wall in surprise when he hears how pissed off i sound. slowly, they stand up and wait. 

"the host informs (y/n) that he tried to stop the others, and he is sorry that their privacy was violated. but he also wonders why (y/n) has so many drawings of us."  

i blush a bright pink color and run over to the corner where the book sits. sure enough, it's opened to a page where i drew Bim on the set of his tv show. i close it and hold it close to my chest. that's why i never let anyone see my sketchbook, because i draw what i know, which means i have a lot of drawings of the egos. dark walks over and folds his arms. 

"good question host," he says to the blindfolded man. "why do you draw us so often?" he asks, tilting his head. 

I look down at my feet and inhale. "well, whenever i want to draw, i just choose the thing that i see first, and you guys are everywhere." 

king speaks up. "so that's why the pictures are things from real life?" he asks me. i nod and the egos all grin. 

"can you draw us?" they all ask in unison. 

"god, why do people always ask that?"

(A/N)--wow, this is the fastest i've ever completed a story! i guess i really wanted to write this.

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