Rescued |BingSepticeye x Reader

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(y/n)'s POV

i walk out of the restaurant where i work with a sigh. it's rainy today, so i need to get home before i get more soaked than i already am. spotting a nearby alley, i decide to take a shortcut through it. luckily, the roofs keep me dry for the most part. i look at the ground and walk a little quicker, wanting to get home as soon as possible. just then, i trip over something and fall to the ground.

"Shit!" i curse under my breath. i look back only to see...a cube? it's about the size of my hand, shiny and black with gold designs on it. i pick it up curiously and turn it over. there's a few buttons on the bottom, along with what looks like a charging port. it's piqued my curiosity, so i put the cube in my pocket and walk the rest of the way home.

i open the door to my apartment, taking a deep breath when i walk in. it's good to be back. i walk into my room and flop down on my bed. then i take the cube out of my pocket and stare at it before rifling through my drawers to find the right type of charger. i finally get it, and i take the cube to the nearest outlet and plug it in. now all i have to do is wait.


I hear a strange beeping noise from the living room, which i take to mean that the cube is done charging. i roll off of my bed and walk to the outlet. sure enough, the gold designs on the cube are glowing, and i can see a small lowercase b in the middle. i cautiously press one of the buttons, and the cube starts to glow. 

before i can do anything, a guy appears in front of me. he's got glowing yellow eyes with hair to match, and he's wearing a dirty looking shirt. 

"Who are you?" i ask. the guy turns toward me and looks me up and down before talking.

"I'm a Bing IRL model."

"Sorry, i've never heard of those before."

"i honestly wouldn't be surprised, i'm the only one of my kind..."

"so, how did you end up in that alley?"

"the details are kind of jumbled, but i think my creators decided i might be dangerous, so they waited until my battery died and threw me out."

"i'm so long have you been out there?"

"a few months i think."

well, that explains why his clothes are all ripped up. "hold on a second." i tell him. he nods, and i run to my room, looking through all my clothes until i find the softest sweater i have. then i take it back to the living room and hold it out to him. 

"your shirt doesn't look very comfortable, so i brought you this." he takes the sweater and looks at me. "thank you..." he says with a small smile.

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