Peach Creek

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I don't want to focus on the past. So to make a real long story short, I was expelled from my old high school right at the tail end of junior year. It sucks, right? Well, now I'll be starting at Peach Creek High. I'm excited, actually. It's way closer to where I live and I bet it will be better than my old school. I could actually have friends this time around. Who knows.

On my first day of 12th grade, I walked along the rainy path onto campus, wearing a hoodie, sweatpants and a bandana around my head. The humidity makes my (h/l) (h/c) hair so frizzy. Peach Creek already looked way more down to earth than my old place. There were kids just chillin outside, some huddled together, probably smoking a bowl. "Yo!" A voice called out. "Rad bandana!" I turned to see a girl with short blonde hair sitting on a low brick wall. Beside her sat a redheaded boy hearing a backwards baseball hat. "Oh-uh.. thanks!" I stammered back.
"You look new. You a freshman?"
"Nah. I'm a senior. I just transferred from Roswell Prep."
"Oh cool! My cousin goes there. I'm Nazz. This is my boyfriend Kevin."
"Hey Nazz and Kevin. I'm (y/n)"

See, I was meeting people already. I picked up my schedule from the front office. Period 1: English 2: Math 3: Health 4:Science 5:Health 6: History

I walked into my first class- English and looked for a place to sit. There was an empty desk by a tall looking guy with a scraggly brown starter beard and a zombie t-shirt. I dropped my bag and sat down. He didn't see to notice. He was engrossed in a comic book. "H-hey." I said, trying not to startle him. "I'm (y/n)." He turned to me with a wide grin, and shouted  "I am Ed!"

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