41. Pandora's Box

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I hope you all enjoy the chapter :)

The scenes in this chapter really almost made me cry while I was writing them.

You guys should send me song suggestions for quarantine !!

Word Count: 3470

Niall's P.O.V~

The past month hasn't turned out to be anything like what I expected it to be.

It's been an entire month since Mackenzie attempted to make Cassidy believe that I had slept with her. Even now, it still seems surreal to me that Cassidy would believe anything like that, but she had every reason to get upset about it.

At first, I was thankful that none of them had attempted to contact Cassidy since then. I thought it would give her the time to heal from the information that they had told her, but it seemed like she was only getting worse.

I was beginning to believe that Harmony's PTSD was rubbing off on her more and more as the days went by. She was always so worried that today would be the day they came back to do something, and if not that day, then it would be the next.

I just wish there was something I could do to help her, or to just take her mind off of it all, but I had been so busy at the studio lately.

I felt my phone vibrate, seeing that I had a new post notification from Cassidy's Instagram.

I was surprised. She hasn't posted on Instagram in over a month, something that she used to do frequently before her anxiety got so bad.

I clicked on it and it opened to a picture she had just posted of herself reading a book at what I assumed to be the Barnes and Noble near her flat due to the wall behind her looking familiar. A Starbucks drink was in her hand and she looked happy.

I couldn't help but smile. I was happy that she looked happy. I hope she really is happy. I hope she isn't getting lost in her own mind again, and that she is enjoying the book she's reading. I hope she took security with her.

I sighed, resting my hand against my forehead. I know she took security with her, and I know that because she hasn't gone anywhere without them lately.

Every time she leaves the flat, even if it's just to come to mine, she brings her security guard with her. Barnes and Noble was one of the few places I had seen her go in the past few days.

Sadly, I wasn't the only one that was incredibly concerned about his girlfriend's mental health.

Liam has been having a hard time trying to help Harmony lately. She's been on a downward spiral ever since her and Perry escaped, and I could tell it was affecting the way Liam had been feeling lately. He wanted nothing more than to help her, but when we were here recording and writing everyday for the new album, it was hard.

Liam had actually admitted something that surprised me just a few days ago.


"Niall, we have to get back to recording. Where did Liam go?" One of the recording producers asked me.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure."

"Well, find him! We don't have time for delays!" He snapped, and I groaned.
Everyone has been so on edge and scrambling to get this album together.

I walked down the hall, attempting to look for Liam. I checked every single room and never found him. I sighed, stepping outside to take a breather.

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