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Now I'm tied up to a chair. Great. Elizabeth walks into the room with some stuff in her hand.
Liz: So.. Y/n how's life been?
Y/n: I'm not here for small talk.
Liz: Listen we can either do this the easy way or the hard way? Which one?
I stood quiet.
Liz: Perfect. Easy way. Or maybe a little bit of both.
Y/n: Fuck you.
Liz: What was that Y/l/n?
Y/n: You heard me.
Liz: No say it again!
Y/n: What's wrong? Do you need hearing aids or something?
Liz: Alright Y/n you asked for it!
Before I knew what she was talking about she cut my wrist with a knife.
Y/n: Aghhh you bitch!!!
Liz: Sorry my hand slipped.
Y/n: Fuck you whore!!!
Liz: Oh no. I guess you're not the sweet little Y/n anymore. Hey! Uh where is your boyfriend Alejandro? Or is it Mattia?
Y/n: Shut up.
Liz: I know you're still in love with Mattia.
Y/n: I love him but not in that way no more. Plus he has a girlfriend.
Liz: Oh so was that all fake? He cheated on you?! Maybe he didn't want your toxic ass.
Y/n: SHUT UP LIZ!! YOU ruined your relationship with Alejandro NOT ME!
Then she slapped me across my face.
Liz: YOU ruined it!
Y/n: HOW?!
She stood there quiet.
Y/n: Exactly.
Liz: Well this time I can really fuck you up. Because it looks like no one is here to save you this time.
Liz: Don't worry, this will only hurt just so much.
Before I knew what she was doing, I felt pain in my
stomach. I looked down and noticed she stabbed me.
Y/n: Ahhh. Stop!!!!
Liz: Nahh Id rather not.
I then felt the knife go deeper. I was in so much pain and saw my shirt and her hands covered in blood. Then she took the knife out. Man did that shit hurt.
Liz: Hmmm now that you're on the verge of dying.. Let's have some fun.
Y/n: You're a psycho.
Liz: I know I am. Ok well you passed level one. Now it's time for level two.
She walked out of the room and saw she had a gun.
Liz: Hmmm where should I shoot? Stomach? Leg? Nahhh how about the head? PERFECT!! The head.
Y/n: Ok. If you wanna shoot me then do it!
Liz: What?
Y/n: Cmon Liz. Shoot me. And when the police come they will know exactly who did it. Your finger prints will be on this chair, on that knife, on that gun, and on that door right there where the police will touch when they enter. Guess there's no backing out now from killing me.
She stood there for quiet a while and out the gun down to her side.
Liz: Wow.. Never thought I would ever here those worlds as your last words. Say goodbye to the real world Y/n.
Right when she pulled the trigger someone hit her in the head and I saw police men grabbing her. She was successful at shooting me in the stomach. Then I saw the boys.
Alvaro: OH MY GOD Y/N NO!!
Roshaun: NOO!!
Mattia: NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.

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