Ch.19 For Chibi.

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Eight hours.

Eight hours of labor and no baby.
Six hours ago their parents had arrived.

And four hours ago Izuku had lost his mind.

"KATSUKI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN THIS IS OVER!" He screamed gripping the edge of the bed as another contraction took hold.

Sweat was trickling down his face that was red and strained, his eyes were a flaming green screaming murder at his mate,

He began panting again his head falling back his mother stood beside him fretting.
The couple's hands were joined as the omega yelled his alpha's ear off.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" He yelped as his hand was gripped with the force of a bear.

The next moment the omega was full on crying, tears and snot mixing with his sweat dripping off his chin,
"But, I'm so glad you're here Kac-CHAN"

He suddenly squeezed again crying out in pain.

"Okay Midoriya dear, it's not going to be too long now.." the lady called her voice muffled by the mask she was wearing.

The omega nodded biting his Iip as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Katsuki gritted his teeth looking between his omega and the doctor.

Looking back to Izuku coaching him,
"Just breathe kitten it's almost over then we'll have our Chibi."

Izuku nodded before he cried out again crushing Katsuki's hand.

"I don't mean to scare you but their might be a problem.." Mizune suddenly said not looking up.

Katsuki blood froze, problem?!

"What problem?! Why? What's wrong?" He rapid fired questions fear starting to set in, what did she mean problem? Was something wrong?

"No need to panic, but it seems the cord is cut off, and the longer the birth the more strain it puts on the omega and pup."

She looked her face grave, " And if the pup isn't birthed soon, it may not make it."

The world froze with the sudden realization dawned on the couple, their Chibi's very life was at risk. They could lose them.

Izuku let out a choked sob, he couldn't breathe and Katsuki wasn't any different, they just can't loose Chibi, not after everything they did to keep this baby safe.
This baby was already their entire world.

She looked up looking between the faces of the couple, " Don't fret, this baby just needs to come out sooner rather than later, okay?"

They nodded solemnly Izuku's face was set in determination.

"Come on Izuku you can do it sweet heart!" Called Mitsuki from the corner, her and her husband were hand in hand looking worried.

He just groaned in response his breath quickening.
His mother looked close to fainting her face was ghostly pale and she was wobbling unsteadily.

A bead of sweat formed on Katsuki's brow, his alpha side hated seeing his omega in pain. He felt an overwhelming urge to protect his mate and pup, but he couldn't stop his mate's suffering.

He couldn't do anything to save Chibi.

He felt infuriated that he could only stay on the sidelines, he hated feeling so helpless.

He was glaring down at the floor gritting his teeth when he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand. He looked up to see the birthing omega looking at him.

His cheeks were red and his face was pained but he smiled, the corners of his lips quirking so perfectly that it took his breath away.

He swore he fell in love all over again.

"Katsuki," his voice was strained from yelling but still was music to the alpha's ears, "don't blame yourself, I just need you to focus on the baby, okay? I need you, we need you."

Those words struck a cord in his heart, like every time before, time and time again, his omega was right.

He nodded squeezing his hand back,
a new sensation overtook him, he didn't have a name for it at the time but he come to know it as the sense of importance when his family needed him.

"Izuku," he caught his attention,
"hang in there, for Chibi."

He nodded smiling wobbily,

" For Chibi."

"Okay, the heads almost here, once it's through the rest of the body will follow, at the count of 3 I'm going to need to need you to give me the biggest push you can muster, alright?" The Omegan doctor's head popping up from between his legs.

Izuku knees quivered but he nodded no longer able to speak.

She settled back down and began counting,

"Okay everyone,"




Izuku clenched his jaw, face scrunched up as he pushed with every ounce of strength he had left as a final ear shaterring scream left his strained throat.

It was silent, nobody breathed as they waited in a pained quiet. All held there breath, waiting.


Why was it so quiet?


The silence was suffocating.

Oh god, please.


Just be alright.


Fear started to take hold, until a single high pitched crie broke the silence
and for hero couple it was the single, most beautiful sound they had ever heard.

"Congradulations, It's a boy!"

Author's Note


It's a baby boy!!!

A healthy baby has arrived, finally!
There's only a chapter left to this story...
I'm so glad you've read this far, thank you too each and every one of you for reading!

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