Ch. 3 Angel on the way.

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Hey ya'll before we start I decided to post this early in celebration of my boy King Explosion Murder's big day!
Happy birthday and I love you.

Without further adew the chapter!


Feeling a turning of his stomach Izuku tumbled from bed. He bit down on his cheek as the familiar nausea took over, he made a dash for the bathroom.

Not even taking the time to close the door he slumped over the toilet and emptied the miso soup he had barely managed to consume hours earlier.

A warm hand came on his back rubbing soothing circles as a calming smell of smoky wood and cinnamon filled the air. He continued to heave into the toilet even after his stomach was emptied. After a few minutes of dry heaving he reached up wiping his mouth, flushing away the contents of his stomach.

He leaned back against a warm solid chest. His hair was pushed up as a gentle kiss was placed on his forehead.
The gesture warmed his heart even though he felt cold and shaky.

"Y'alright?" His blond boyfriend asked gently.

It had been a week since he found out he was pregnant and told Kat. The morning sickness had started a few days ago and had barely let him rest since. If he'd managed to eat something, not even hours later he would be heaving it up into the toilet.

Even slight smells could make him nauseous. Thankfully his boyfriend had been there for everything he needed, like helping him when he was vomiting or offering him some calming ginger lemon tea, cooking for him (even if he puked it up later.)

He had been there at every turn ready to do whatever he could to ease his mates suffering.

He was so greatful, before he was terrified that he was just going to abandon him. His thoughts still wandered there but the alpha always managed to bring him back down to earth with small gestures of affection that helped solidify his faith.

"Eh, I've felt worse..." he said looking over his shoulder with a wobbly grin. The bitter taste of stomach acid burning his throat.
The alpha sighed standing, he brought the omega with him.
He left him to brush his teeth, and went to make tea.

He squirted a generous amount of tooth paste on his brush, scrubbing his teeth and tongue trying to remove the unpleasant taste from his mouth. Swishing around some mouthwash before deciding it was enough.
Deciding to not even bother looking at his likely pale and fatigued face he finished up.
On shaking legs he made it to the kitchen leaning slightly on the wall for support.

He sat down at the island and a mug was placed in front of him.
He gave a greatful smile before gently sipping the drink. The warmth soothed his throat, quieting his stomach.

"Thank you." He croaked his voice hoarse.

Bakugou grunted in response turning back to what he had been doing.

He started wordlessly chopping vegetables and tossing them in the sizzling frying pan. Since it was both their days off they had nowhere to be, thankfully.
He watched the blonde cook, silent, as to not break his concentration.

He took this time to admire the alpha, he had aged well, with lean hard muscles that came with the job of being a hero, he was heavily built. With a wider chest that lead to a muscled core and he was tall, like most alphas.

His angular jawline and burning red irises made him stand out. His hair an explosion of ashy blonde sticking out at odd angles, but was surprisingly soft, (Deku is one of the rare few that know this fact.)

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