Ch. 15 Warm again.

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A heartbeat spiked in the monitor alerting the nurse she jumped back in suprise. She scrambled out of the room calling for a doctor.

Katsuki felt a stabbing pain in his chest a thumping throb had began in his head making him groan.


He wondered groggily not daring to open his eyes quite yet, his body didn't seem his own. It felt like it was a rusty old car starting for the first time in years, all of his joints were practically creaking.

"He's waking up, call his fiancé, we will check his vitals and see..."
A unfamiliar voice came from somewhere in the room.

He finally peeked a crimson iris out from under blonde lashes taking in his surroundings.

He seemed to in a hospital bed, but not the normal ER table, he seemed to be in a resting ward. Curtains blowed slightly fluttering with the breeze that came in. A nurse stood not far away made her way over to him.

Why am I in a hospital bed??

He propped himself on his elbows only to fall back down when his arms gave out.

"Please don't try to attempt to sit up Mr. Bakugou you were seriously injured..."
The lady said pushing him down and wandering off to get him some water.

His head bounced off the pillow as he gave an aggravated sigh. He blinked rapidly to try and get rid of some of the blurriness from his eyes. His mouth felt sticky and and dry his tongue felt dry as he ran it over the inside of his mouth.

What did she mean seriously injured, what happened?

He swallowed thickly waiting impatiently for the nurse.

She came back with a glass in hand, raising his bed a little so he could sit up she tried to help him drink but he took it from her refusing to be babied like some sick old man.

With shaky hands he gulped back half the glass ignoring the nurses fussing that he should sip.

A doctor with groomed black hair came inside his gray blue eyes were sharp and he could tell from his scent that he was also an alpha.

An instinctive growl rose in his throat, he wasn't particularly fond of doctor's ever since he found out about that slimy doctor Sho, much less another alpha.

The doctor put up his hands and backed up a little avoiding eye contact with the injured alpha to show respect.

Katsuki snorted, relaxing a little but he still kept his guard up and ready.

The doctor looked at him bring out his clipboard, "Mr. Bakugou, I'm doctor Davis, I've been your doctor for the last month..."

"A month?!"
He cut the doctor off his eyes wide with shock. It had only felt like minutes...

"Yes, you were in a coma, tell me, what do you remember?" The doctor flipped a page clicking his pen.

He tried recalling what happened but all that came back was blanks and spaces with the occasional yell or sound nothing really clear.

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