Ch. 16 An Omega.

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All was quiet in the hospital room, twilight had settled over the now dark city.

Blackness enveloped the passed out pair. Clinging to each other for the first time in a week, they slept peacefully nothing but the occasional beep from a monitor disturbed the peace.

Their soft breathing filled the silence.

The smaller greenette clung to the bigger blonde face squishing against his collar bone as a protective arm secured him to the spot.

The occasional twitch was seen from the omega as he dreamed was the only thing that moved the quiet hospital ward.

Seemingly out of the blue the blonde started to stirr, vermillion eyes popping open. He stilled sensing something was amiss.

He felt like he was being watched.

He carefully scanned the room, it was past the middle of the night and the clock on the far wall read 1:35 AM.

He saw nothing unusual but his instincts still kept him on edge murmuring cautions into his ears.

The hospital curtain blocked off his view of the hall way, moonlight from the open window lighting up the some of the room.

He blinked letting his eyes adjust.
Movement caught his eye he snapped his attention to see the curtain shift slightly.

It was barely anything, maybe even just a breeze but it made him bare his teeth.

Before a snarl could pass him lips he felt a cold steel blade press against he throat.

"Ah,ah,ah~ not so fast there Katsuki~"
Purred the female alpha perched behind him, a delighted giggle came from her lips.

"You, bitch." He rasped straining as much as dared against the knife.

She giggled and the knife was pressed tightly drawing a bead of blood to slide down his neck.

He looked down to see his omega still sleeping, he became acutely aware of how vulnerable he was right now.

The overwhelming need to shield him forced it's way into his mind as he raced for a way to get out of this unharmed, he needed to keep her distracted.

"What do you want you bloody bitch?"
He growled, he just needed to keep her occupied long enough to come up with a plan.

"Oh, nothing really, just that pup of yours."
She said airily as the realization hit Katsuki with the force of a truck.

"Over my cold dead body." He snarled spitting in rage.

She laughed then said in a sing song voice, " Oh don't worry it will be~"

Katsuki tensed, he needed to do something, now.

But before he could the curtain was pushed aside revealing three other villains.

"Good work Toga, for once you weren't fucking around." Growled the alpha in the lead, he recognized him as the Shigaraki the leader of the league of Villains.

He tensed, this was bad, very, very bad.
He only needed to touch something and it would turn to dust.

And if he himself was here that meant they really meant business.

Not good for Katsuki.

He was an excellent fighter but just recovering from a coma and outnumbered four to one, the odds were stacked against him.

"Quickly dispose of him, and let's go I don't want to see how long it takes for the other hero scum to be aware that we are here." Shigaraki snarled glaring down at him.

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