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(A/N : Long wait is over.)

3rd Person POV

Beam and Forth went to Wayo’s room. Wayo was crying his heart out and telling how Phana rejected him and hurt him. But never once he said that he used bad words for Kit. He told the half truth.

“He…He even slapped me Phi.” Wayo said while sobbing.

“I'll kill that bastard!!” Forth said while clenching his jaw. “How dare he touch my brother? And abuse him?”

“Forth. He just slapped Wayo. It isn't abuse.” Beam said coldly. Well, Beam knew that Wayo wasn't as innocent as Forth thought.

“The fuck, Beam?” Forth shot his anger at Beam. “You shouldn't protect Phana Just because he is your friend!!”

“I know Phana more than you know Wayo!” Beam snapped. “And Wayo should know better not to hang his hopes when Phana has been constantly rejecting him!” Beam shouted at Forth.

“But.. But he gave me this bouquet!!” Wayo showed them a bouquet that he snatched from Kit thinking it was for him from Phana.

“It wasn't for you Wayo!! Who told you that it was for you?? It was given by Phana for Kit!! You just snatched it from Kit by force without even asking him.” Beam shouted again.

Forth looked at Wayo. But Wayo used his tears successfully to believe him or at least pity him.

“Beam, we're here to make Wayo feel good. And don't try to save the ass of your useless friend!” Forth was angry.

“You know Phana better, Forth! He would not use his hands before his mouth. There must be some reason that your brother is hiding.” Beam said the bitter truth making Wayo feel ashamed but no way he'll accept that he was the one who triggered Phana’s anger.

“But, Beam!!” Forth said but was cut by Beam.

“Look, Wayo. Phana doesn't love you!! And you cannot force him to love you!” Beam tried to explain Wayo by suppressing his anger.

“He said he loves Kit!!! I'm better than Kit! I look better than him, I'm more handsome than the slut Kit!!” Wayo retorted, crying.

“Mind your language Nong!!” Forth said coldly to Wayo. Even if he was there to calm Wayo down, he knew how Kit is. He knew how pure of a soul Kit is! Though he is fierce and has a sharp tongue.

“If you're better than Kit, then you deserve better than Phana. Because they don't love each other because of their bodies. They loved each other with their hearts even before they knew how to make love using bodies. And the one whom you called slut is a virgin. I'm sure you had said something like this to Phana to trigger his anger, haven't you? You better stay away from my friends or else I can't assure that you'll have a bright future.” Beam lost his temper.

“Beam, I know you are right but you shouldn't threaten someone for nothing!!’

“For nothing?? Are you deaf? He just used bad words for my friend!! What do you expect me to do? What if someone says Lam is a man whore or he is abusive!!”

“Why are you dragging Lam into this matter? I'll cut your tongue if you dare say a word against him!”

“Exactly. Forth. Exactly!!! That's what I'm feeling for my friends whom your brother is disrespecting.”

“I know Wayo was wrong. But, you shouldn't go on scolding him when he's lost. You should console him.”

“How to console him?? Let him say bad words for my friends? This is how you act like an elder brother? If it was you in his place, P’Mew would have slapped you hard and same with P’Pete to me!!” Beam told Forth. “And instead of listening to his half truths think logically. He's fooling you with his half truths.” Beam said and annoyed Forth. Without thinking Forth shouted at Beam. “He's my brother. I'll listen to him. And if slapping hard is only a solution then I should slap…” Forth stopped his sentence before it could damage...

“Slap what?? Slap me?” Beam's eyes were teary. “You would slap me when your brother is wrong??” Beam asked and left the room.

Forth's POV

Shit! I screwed up!! I shouldn't have said something like that. I didn't mean to say Slap You, Beam!! Oh god! Why do you imagine things and misunderstand ?

And then the half eaten snacks and Pink milk on the dining table caught my attention. Beam was right!! Why didn't I listen to him? Was I blinded by my love for my brother?

“Beam was right, Wayo. If you were in pain, if you were heart broken, you won't be eating!! And as far as I know Phana and Kit, they always look compatible. You screwed my relationship with Beam, Nong.” I said and left the room.

I ran to my bike. Beam must be waiting there for me. We came using my bike.

I reached and couldn't see Beam. Why am I getting a bad feeling?

I called immediately on his Phone. But his phone was not reachable. I couldn't contact him.

I looked around and saw that there was no one around.

Watchman. Yeah. I went to ask the watchman if Beam knew.

“Did someone just go from here?” I asked him.

“Yeah. A car with some drunk boys. Boys these days don't know how to behave.” The Watchman said, shaking his head. “They were shouting and even threw a bottle outside the car. See!” He showed me the broken glass bottle. The pieces of broken glass were scattered on the road.

The wave of shock creeped my spine. Did someone? Did they? No. No. It won't be Beam. I don't even want to think of the word - kidnap!

I called Phana. Hoping that Beam went to meet him. He received it after three attempts. “Hello? Phana?” I asked immediately as he received the call.

“What the fuck, Forth?” He sounded angry.

“Beam…” I said and before I continued he shouted from the other end. “Must you disturb my first time you asshole? Aah!” Phana said from the other side. I heard a loud slap when he winced Aah. Kit must have slapped him for mentioning their first time.

“I just wanted to ask you if Beam is with you?” I shouted.

“What do you mean by he's with me? Isn't he with you?” He asked. I cut the call.

I immediately took my bike to find Beam. I was riding slowly. I didn't know where to go. I was hoping to see Beam around. After five minutes on the ride I saw an object with light flashing from it, under a shadow of a tree.

I went there and saw that the light was coming from a phone. I took it in hand and what I saw made stick on my place.

"P'Pete Calling"

And... Its Beam's phone for sure.

(A/N : Would you trust me if I say - Beam is safe?)

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