The Confessions

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Third Person POV

After finishing the SOTUS activity Forth went straight to Beam’s room. Beam had his room's door open. Forth just pushed the door and it was open. He saw Beam’s back. Beam was sitting on the chair writing something.

“Didn’t I tell you to just go without me Kitty? Why are you not talking?” Beam said and turned, “I’ll have my dinn...” Beam was shocked to see Forth as he turned.

“W-why are you here Forth? Get out.”

“I want to finish this awkwardness and misunderstanding if any, Beam.”

“There’s nothing like that!”

“Seriously? Then why did you say I used you as a toy and what about my broken heart?”

“I’m sorry about it. Didn’t mean to say it. Maybe I was angry.”

“And why were you angry?”

“Because you grabbed me by hand and I didn’t like it?”

“What about no reply to my messages and calls during the vacation and till today.”

“Maybe I didn’t see it?”

“You didn’t see it? Are you kidding me? I know you read it and ignored it.”  

Beams eyes were full of tears.

“Do you understand how much I hurt Beam?”

“You were hurt Forth? Are you kidding me? Weren't you the one who was going to propose the love of your life on the last day of our fresher’s year?”

“How do you…”

“I was there Forth. I saw you with P’Earth. You were telling him that you were going to confess your love.”

“Beam. Didn’t you hear it clearly?”

“I heard it clearly.”

“No you didn’t. If you would have heard it right we could have been together now.”

Beam looked at Forth with surprise.

“I was about to propose to you Beam.”

“I don’t believe it.” Beam was still confused.

“I… I love you, ''Beam.”

“F-forth” Beam said with confusion.

Forth held Beam’s “This is worn only by the lovers of Beam! We were told at our SOTUS closing ceremony that… We go through a lot to earn this gear. You know how difficult our SOTUS is! A gear is a very essential part of an engineer's life. So, they say, the gear is in our hearts and our hearts are in the gear.” Forth looks at the bracelet in Beam’s hand. “How could I think about anyone if my heart is with you all the time?”

Beam was stunned. He was happy yet not sure of what he heard was right. Tears were flowing down his cheeks.

Forth opened his arms and asked Beam to hug him. Beam hugged Forth.

“I-I love you Forth.”


On their way back to their dorms Phana was constantly looking at sulking Kit, while driving his car

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On their way back to their dorms Phana was constantly looking at sulking Kit, while driving his car. Kiit was jealous of all the girls who eyed Phana and most importantly, he didn’t lie how he offered N’Yo pink milk! But who was he kidding. Nong Yo was back. And maybe he has grabbed the attention of Phana. He knew he didn’t have the right to get angry at Phana for that so he decided to be silent. If he opens his mouth, he will spit fire at Phana which surely gonna hurt Phana and hurting Phana means hurting himself.

It was already dark and Phana knew how Kit was scared of darkness, so he stopped his car in the parking lot of the dorm where there was some light. They live in the same dorm, but different floors. Now that Beam was in the same dorm, they all were more than happy. But now, sulking Kit was a hard nut to crack. Phana liked this shade of Kit too. He wanted to spend as much time of his life with this little dimpled creature he loved.

“Seriously Kitty! What’s wrong?” Phana said, poking his finger in Kit’s cheeks. “Phaaaaaa!”Kit whined and pushed Phana’s hand poking his cheek. “Don’t!” He pouted.

If Kit was his boyfriend, Phana could have grabbed those plump lips without giving a second thought. But he wasn’t, so he restrained himself from doing it. “Hmmm… Let me guess. You are sulking since lunch break so must be…” Phana was thinking out loud. He thought for a while. “Ohhh!! Is my wifey sulking because I gave more attention to the junior moons instead of him? Is he jealous?” Phana said without wasting a single moment and Kit blushed. Kit looked outside the window, “Who said I’m your wife?” Phana was thrown into reality so hard that it hurt him deeply. He tried to restrain himself from it. “Why should I get jealous, you idiot?” Kit said and opened the car door. But Phana was quick to pull Kit’s hand and made him pull towards him.

The distance between their faces was so close.So close that Phana and Kit were able to feel each other’s scent and warm breaths. Kit closed his eyes immediately. Kit felt like this would be the first time he would feel Phana’s lips. It was THE MOMENT for them. Phana too was thinking the same. He wanted to kiss Kit so much. He leaned towards Kit but it struck him right away that he shouldn’t do it to Kit. He just gave a peck on Kit’s forehead.

It sure was disappointing but it made Kit think that Phana doesn’t need him, moreover the kiss. Phana thinks of him and Beam as his brothers, as his kids. Kit reluctantly moved away and got off. Phana too got off and followed Kit in silence.

The silence was killing both hearts but no one knew. Phana was walking behind Kit with his hands in his pocket. “Phaaa” That sweet voice of Kit melted Phana’s heart. Kit kept on walking, so did Phana. “Just take some notes from my room. It will be helpful for your assignment topic.” Phana fell deeply in love with Kit as if it wasn’t enough already. “Since you spend your time with the moons for the competition, you get very less time for studies.” His heart was filled with warmth just to realize that Kit cared for him.

Phana really wanted to spend more time with Kit. So, after taking the notes, he just wanted to try his luck. “Kitty… Would you come to my room after changing? I have some doubts about my topic.”

“You’re the topper Phaa…” Kit said without looking at Phana.

“Okay, if you don’t want to help, you can say it on my face. I’ll do it myself.” Kit felt the sadness in Phana’s voice.

“‘Okay I’ll come. No need to emotional blackmail me like that.” Kit told. “I’ll come in 20mins. Take shower and be ready.”

At midnight, Phana saw the little kitten sleeping on his side soundlessly in his bed hugging a pillow. Kit had explained what he understood and then slept on the bed for just a nap. He had told Phana to wake him after he finishes his work and drop him to his room. But Phana had different plans. He slowly removed the pillow, lied beside Kit and kept Kit’s hand on his chest. Kit in his deep sleep, hugged Phana more tightly snuggling on his chest. Phana slept happily with his dreams in his arms.


( A/N : There… So much love and angst. I can't keep Forth and Beam far from each other. Now they're boyfriends.
For Kit and Phana it's a long journey.
So much of the moons, let's see what the hazers are doing in next chapter...

Keep loving the story till then...

See you soon...)

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